When your father is one of the biggest stars in the history of national handball, Enric Masip, and your sports career has already started, fate seems to lead you inevitably towards elite sport.

That was the case of

Eric Masip

(Barcelona, ​​1995) until a serious injury, when he was already competing at the highest level in lower categories, separated him from the tracks and allowed him to return to his true course: acting.

"All my life I have wanted to be an actor," explains this young Catalan to whom the series


in 2020,

It gave him the first push for a dazzling promotion in just two years.

The teenage film

Through my window

has catapulted him directly to fame and today he is the protagonist, along with Elena Rivera, from


, every Wednesday on Antena 3 (10:40 p.m.).

A new fictitious and detailed study on everything that surrounds a gang rape of a woman.

How does one deal with the fact of showing a gang rape? It is a responsibility because you have to be very sensitive and know what you are telling.

There is a double conscience, that it is good to have it at first, that does not allow you to leave anything, that makes your heart ache, but throw yourself at the same time with everything. You said that many times you take that home.

How is it managed once off the set? I left with great sensitivity, but the drama of the character left everything on stage.

It didn't matter that something stayed there, I was sensitive, the music affected me more... But then I would come back at 8 in the morning to shoot and I was ready again. After facing this, what do you feel with speeches that deny that this violence exists? It's a shame, who cares if it's one case or a hundred,

The point is that something is happening that shouldn't.

No one should go home afraid, I'm not.

It is a very great inequality and that makes us very angry, it must stop happening. There will be those who say that this is another series of rapes, that it is something that has become fashionable. The phrase "it is just one more rape" bothers me. because it shows that person is totally stunned seeing the news as numbers.

There is a life and consequences behind these acts. Have we desensitized ourselves to these issues? It is true that if we listened to the news all the time we would enter a depression because the world is very screwed up.

But when we tell a story in fiction, which goes in more smoothly by not seeing the numbers, it helps that it doesn't happen as much in real life.

We are putting up a mirror for you because now it seems that as we live in a world of fast consumption, of seeing and not thinking, they stick the message in your face so that you forget it. You make a lot of emphasis on not being complicit in small macho gestures for example With So many years of machismo there is something unconsciously that can come out, but you have to recognize it and use common sense.

There is a toxicity in this world of always blaming the other for everything that is the beginning of psychological abuse, which is not seen and from which it is very difficult to get out because you are used to being humiliated. Have we normalized men to start talking about these issues openly? Yes, but there are still few because I have groups of friends where these issues are not discussed.

I'm the weird one when I talk about this, about respect,

because I have friends who are in relationships that I don't know how they hold up.

In the end that translates into a miserable existence.

For someone who has suffered bullying at school, how do you get to raise that reflection?

I don't know how I got there, but I've been successful in my relationships because my intentions have always been good.

I guess you get there by failing and learning and being willing to look inside yourself.

It is difficult to look inside yourself because there are things that you do not like about yourself and that you are covering up, but you have to stop and remove layers of insecurity.

I'm lucky enough to live with actors, I wouldn't be so aware of those things if I hadn't found a job that made me open up. Especially when you come from a world, sports, which is quite the opposite.

Did you feel excluded because of your sensitivity? Yes, there goes everything about success and squeezing, sensitivity is frowned upon.

I don't keep many people from the world of sports because I don't connect with them at all,

but with my best friends we have looked for a healthier way to show that sensitivity and that love.

I say I love you to my male friends, which is still something that becomes very rare. Then the injury hits him and he sees the open sky to be an actor.

I remember that the movie Hook was the first one that wanted to make me fly and explore worlds, like Peter Pan, because reality was very harsh and this was my way of escaping from a fucked up world that I lived in at school.

Because of my sensitivity and because I didn't play football, I didn't fit in anywhere and when I was 11 years old I tried to interpret, but I didn't fit in either because I didn't fit in anywhere.

I found sport, which has given me very good things, but it put me in a spiral that left me blind to everything around me.

When I got injured, everything stopped and I realized what I wanted.

What was it like to propose that to a father like yours who was a handball star? He had always wanted me to be a handball player, but he encouraged me to come to Madrid, to follow my dream as he had done with his.

Raising it was curious, but he gave me all his support, although it helped that they had badly kicked him out of Barça, his lifelong team, for a series of grudges.

That brought us closer together. And then all of a sudden you get the mega boom of a teen hit like Through My Window. I don't pay much attention to that, I just think about how cool my job is.

I am passionate about the projects I do and on a personal level I am excited to be able to inspire someone like me. Certain artists touch my soul, they have given me so much without knowing it.

That is what I would like to produce in people.

Doesn't the fact of suddenly meeting thousands of fans generate some pressure? Nothing, on the contrary, makes it clearer what you have, what you are and what you want to give.

I was much more comfortable rolling

through my window

after the announcement than before.

You work the same way one person sees it or five million, but I like people to see me.

If you focus on the other, you get lost. But, for example, in his networks in just a couple of months he has gone from about 10,000 followers to more than a million In networks, as in life, you have to relativize.

If you haven't been up to it, you know it and when you hit the key, you know it too.

I try not to pay much attention to the networks and focus on being a better actor, reading books that inspire me.

The other is noise, ephemeral moments that do not nourish you.

Suddenly you are or you are not because people only want fast things that lead fiction to care less about details.

Sometimes in a more mainstream project, the public trivializes everything, but you've already taken it.

But others, like in Alba, change lives and they show it to you with their messages.

I recently heard you say that the physical has sometimes harmed you to work.

Why? I don't want to sound hypocritical because I'm a white, blue-eyed, Caucasian male, things are easier for me.

But it is true that in my specific case the height and my body have harmed me.

I don't like that all my characters are super handsome and super strong because sometimes I'm not like that.

I like that the physique is justified and that it is not for the actor's ego.

I don't like that all my characters are super handsome and super strong because sometimes I'm not like that.

I like that the physique is justified and that it is not for the actor's ego.

I don't like that all my characters are super handsome and super strong because sometimes I'm not like that.

I like that the physique is justified and that it is not for the actor's ego.

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