Europe 1 8:41 a.m., August 29, 2021

The singer Zaz is about to release a new album, "Isa", and is preparing a world tour, after some time away from the stages.

At the microphone of Bérénice Bourgueil, on Europe 1 Saturday, the interpreter confides to have worked a lot to feel better in his sneakers and to attack a new stage of his career.


She had a resounding success in 2010 with her title "I want".

After nine years of tours, concerts, frantic compositions, singer Zaz has finally taken a break.

Here she comes back with a title, "Imagine", which announces her new album,


, to come on October 22nd.

At the microphone of Bérénice Bourgueil, on Europe 1 on Saturday, the interpreter took stock of the many changes in her life which allow her today to be more serene in the face of a new stage in her career.

"Take care of me"

"I chose to take care of myself," she says.

"I am much more aware, I choose myself".

After years "very turned towards the outside", in particular via the stage and the concerts, the singer felt the need to grant herself time and attention.

"We are in a world not easy to live. We know nothing, everything changes all the time, we are in permanent insecurity. I try to tell myself that if I want to help the world, I must already be well. . "

>> Find Europe morning weekend in podcast and replay here

Which is not necessarily simple, admits Zaz.

"The whole thing is to do a permanent job every day, to nourish this joy. All that is good to take energy, joy, it must be taken. If we are all to take care of ourselves, that will make a lot of difference. This is how the world will evolve into something much more positive. "

"The interior work"

The singer attributes at least some of all of these changes to being in a relationship. "I have a lover, a companion. I am much more at ease. It goes with the interior work, it is not only the age. You can be an eternal teenager at 90 years old." Do not tell Zaz, 41, that she is in the midst of a midlife crisis. "Often when we talk about age we talk about something that is diminishing. I am discovering things in myself that I did not know."