Illustration of the coronavirus - Daniel Cole / AP / SIPA

Three first cases of the new coronavirus were confirmed Thursday in Corsica, which was one of the only two regions of metropolitan France with the Center-Val-de-Loire to have not yet been officially affected by the virus, said the Prefect of Corsica Franck Robine.

"These three cases are proven. We had prepared for this possibility, ”continued the prefect, announcing the establishment of a crisis unit in the prefecture with the regional health agency (ARS).

Back from Mulhouse

The affected patients were returning from Mulhouse, where several cases were identified among the participants in a rally organized by an evangelical church in February, added to AFP the director of the ARS, Marie-Hélène Lecenne, without specifying if these people took part in this rally.

"The three people with covid-19 are being taken care of at Ajaccio hospital center" where they have been "placed in isolation" and "their clinical condition shows no sign of seriousness," the ARS said in a communicated.

"A contact tracking cell was set up immediately" by the ARS in order to "identify the people who would have been in close and prolonged contact with these patients", adds the agency: "These people are in the process of 'identification and will be informed personally of the action to be taken'.


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  • coronavirus
  • epidemic
  • Mulhouse