China News Service, March 2. According to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Press Release, the Hong Kong Health Protection Center of the Department of Health announced that as of 8 pm on March 1, the center is investigating 3 newly confirmed cases and two suspected cases. A total of 100 cases (including 98 confirmed cases and two suspected cases).

In the 96th case, the patient had a fever from February 16 to 17, and had a cough since February 27. The 97th case had no symptoms.

One of the confirmed cases was related to the "Fuhui Jingshe" Buddhist case group. The patient was a 71-year-old woman (in the 98th case). The patient had a long-term illness and lived in Hongrui Court, Lam Tin. She developed cough and runny nose since February 12 and sought medical treatment from a Chinese medicine practitioner on February 14, 25 and 26. The patient called the centre hotline on February 29 and was arranged to be admitted to United Christian Hospital for treatment. His respiratory tract samples were positive for coronavirus virus 2019, and he is now in stable condition. The patient did not travel outside during the incubation period, and his co-resident son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren did not develop symptoms and are now under quarantine.

The epidemiological survey of the Centre for Health Protection showed that the 98th case was the 64, 65, 70, 73, 74, 76, 77, 83, 84, 86, 89, 91, 92, 93 and 95 cases previously announced A total of 16 patients had visited the "Fuhui Jingshe" Buddhist Temple in Meilun Building in January or February, or were related to the confirmed patients who had visited the Buddhist Temple.

The center once again appeals to those who have visited the relevant Buddhist temples after January 25 to call the center's hotline. If the person develops related symptoms, the center will arrange for admission to the hospital for treatment.