Today, April 2, World Autism Day, aims to introduce and raise awareness of the disease. On this occasion, the theme of "Global Day" was launched to unite the social networking site "Twitter", where the tag was shared by thousands of converts, especially children of children with autism.

This day was named by the United Nations General Assembly by the end of 2007. It is the first global day devoted to autism. But some see it as sad, while others see it as a cure for the disease.

The Light It Up Blue initiative, which is celebrated annually on this day, aims to raise awareness about autism. Autism Speaks, the largest autism and defense organization, announced the launch of the "Blue Light" campaign in 2010. The initiative aims to raise international awareness of autism as a growing public health crisis to support World Awareness Day Autism and Autism Awareness Month in the United States.

Prominent landmarks around the world, including the Empire State Building in New York City and the Willis Tower in Chicago along with the CN Tower in Toronto and the Kingdom Tower in Saudi Arabia as well as airports, bridges, museums, concert halls, restaurants, hospitals and retail stores from More than 100 entities in more than 16 states and nine countries around the world lit up the bright blue lights on the evening of April 1, 2010, the first night of Autism Awareness Month in the United States and on the eve of the International Autism Awareness Day.

Autism is also known as autism, or classic autism disorder. Some writers use the word "autism or autism" when referring to a range of autism spectrum disorders or various pervasive developmental disorders, a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by weak social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication, and restrictive and repetitive behavioral patterns. Diagnostic criteria require that symptoms become apparent before the child is three years old.

Autism affects the processing of data in the brain by altering how neurons are connected and their points of contact; Autism is one of three disorders under autism spectrum disorder (ASDs). The second and third disorders are asperger syndrome, which lacks the lag in cognitive growth and language, and the so-called pervasive developmental disorder (usually abbreviated as PDD NOS) and is diagnosed in the absence of autism Criteria for determination of autism or Asperger syndrome.

Autism affects about 1-2 per 1000 people worldwide and is 4 times more common among girls than boys. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that 1.5 per cent of United Nations children (one in 68) As of 2014, an increase of 30% over 2012, with an individual in every 88. The number of people with the disease has increased significantly since the 1980s, in part because of changes in diagnosis of the disease, Allocated by the State to determine its causes.

In a related context, swept the mark of # today _ global_to unite the social networking site "Twitter" on this occasion, where the tag participated thousands of many of them, many of them children of autistic children.

"Let me hear your voice, my joy, the most beautiful of you," said one of the chants.

Another said: "I will cleanse the creation of my Lord, appreciate me, say an angel in the form of a man."

"I am not an aggressor or a negative person. I am a person like you. I only need someone who understands me."

For its part, King Fahd International Airport has published a number of important tips to provide a comfortable travel environment for the autistic child, including: the creation of the child with the participation of a number of pictures of the airport and its facilities, the presence before the flight early, and the provision of a number of games Appropriate, use a low tone to talk, learn the child's style of communication, choose a suitable seat for the child in the plane.

"For those who have been blessed by a child with autism, there is always hope that in the unseen there is something beautiful that deserves to wait," said one of the worshipers. "Your morning is hope and optimism."

Another said: "Despite their silence, they told us their eyes, we touched their feelings, we understood their feelings ... but trust that our hearts contain you."

She said: "The day of praise for the blessing of the injured child .. On Valentine's Day .. The day of pride in the presence of an angel in the form of human beings living among us .. Oh God, heal all children of autism and their welfare and take their hand .. Oh God, grant patience patience, Lord of the worlds."

"Measuring the success of our societies, we need to look at the extent to which people with disabilities, including those with autism, are integrated as active members and have a place in the community," said one expatriate.