In anxiously awaiting elections to the European Parliament (June of this year), 30 European masters of culture signed an appeal “Humanity is in danger!” (The word “fatherland”, originally used in texts of this kind, is considered abusive by the current masters and is not used).

By intonation, the appeal of European intellectuals most of all resembles Word to the People — an appeal of Soviet intellectuals published by the Soviet Russia newspaper on July 23, 1991. One-to-one flowery rhetoric: “A great unprecedented grief happened. Our homeland, our country, a great state, given to us in preservation by history, nature, glorious ancestors, perishes, breaks, plunges into darkness and non-existence ... Everyone who is in cities and villages, in steppes and forests, at the edge of the great ones washing the country oceans, - we shall wake up, we shall rise for unity and repulse against the destroyers. "

The appeal, written by the Trotskyist, humanist, globalist Bernard-Henri Levy and published by the newspapers The Guardian and Libération, is also about the impending unprecedented grief.

“The idea of ​​Europe is in danger. Around lies, insults, betrayal ... Europe is attacked by false prophets, intoxicated with envy and delirious with their opportunity to become known ... The continent is vulnerable to the increasingly brazen intervention of the Kremlin occupants ... In this extremely unfavorable atmosphere, parliamentary elections will be held in Europe ... These elections promise to be the most terrible of all known to us. Pests will defeat them ... A catastrophe will overtake us. ”

Here, of course, it should be noted that we have a team, the technology of which is such that the text is written by one person, the most punchy and usually the most passionate, and the others are signed in a circle, even if they don’t like everything in the text. Of course, from the unbearably idle rhetoric of the French leftist, even the false teeth will die, but “it is necessary, Fedya, it is necessary”. And then the reference group will not understand.

With the main idea of ​​Bernard-Henri, the masters of culture, most likely, agree. For the great sorrow of the proclamation is that not all the cat is a carnival - there is a great fast. The hosts of discourse comfortably settled in the new Europe, where there are no more former fathers, and only they gathered in a world where there is neither Russia, nor Latvia (and equally Italy, Hungary, France), to live as a single human hostel where everyone will be pleasantly dark-skinned, only they are accustomed to the fact that only they are the rulers of the souls (and indirectly, the rulers of the bodies), as the terrible happened.

So far this terrible has not materialized in the roughest form: “Which are temporary here? Slaz! Your time is over. And maybe not even materialize. But the unconditional monopoly of liberal globalism has gone at the seams.

By themselves, elections to the European Parliament mean little in a practical sense. From time immemorial this institution was the fifth wheel in the cart, a kind of pension fund for politicians who went into circulation. Solve the European Parliament did not solve anything - for this was the European Commission.

But the masters of culture were even frightened by the symbolic threat that voters would vote against the globalist mainstream, which had so far reigned over Europe for so many years. And instead he will return - even if only in words - forever, as it seemed to them, the buried Amour sacré de la patrie, Lieb Vaterland, magst ruhig sein, etc. And even worse - the notions of God and the Motherland will return to the public air. And who then will need Bernards?

We urgently need to do something with this, and the proclamation suggests exactly: “We believed that the continent would unite on its own, without having to fight for it or work for it. This, as we ourselves said, was "the direction of history." We must completely break with this old conviction. We have no choice. Now we must fight for the idea of ​​Europe, or we will see how it disappears under the waves of populism. We must rediscover the spirit of activism or recognize that hostility and hatred will flood us. We need to urgently send an alarm signal against these instigators of soul and spirit, who from Paris to Rome with stops in Barcelona, ​​Budapest, Dresden, Vienna and Warsaw want to throw our freedoms on the fire. ”

If we discard the snappy rhetoric, the masters of culture propose to adopt the teaching of Comrade Stalin on the intensification of the class struggle as we move towards socialism (special greetings to L. E. Ulitskaya and S. Aleksiyevich who signed the appeal). It's funny, of course, as a Trotskyist and humanist, almost literally quotes the leading figure of all sciences, but life also does not happen: and fade out more, that as our success progresses, the class enemy is supposedly becoming more and more tame. This is not only a rotten theory, but also a dangerous theory. On the contrary, the more we move forward, the more we succeed, the more the remnants of the broken exploiting classes become angry, the sooner they will go on more acute forms of struggle ”(March 3, 1937, a report at the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (B)“ O shortcomings of party work and measures to eliminate the Trotskyist and other double-dealers ”).

However, it would be unfair to be considered the only spiritual father of such a theory and the practical conclusions from one of the t. Stalin. In the homeland of Bernard-Henri in 1789, freedom, equality, and brotherhood were defeated, the kingdom of Reason was established, after which by 1793 the guillotine operated in this kingdom like a sewing machine. Also the intensification of the class struggle as it progresses. It was only then that the aristocrats were guilty of everything, in 1937 the Trotskyist and other lawyers, and now the populists.

Something is always hindering a good humanist in his dance.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.