Current events, topics in tune with the times and discovery: two hours to do "The trick of the question". Accompanied by Julie, Wendy Bouchard initiates the debate, invites listeners to exchange live, and surrounds herself with specialists to answer their questions.

Topic 1: "World Autism Day: How to better integrate autistic people?"

Facebook question: "Do you consider that people with autism are sufficiently integrated in our society?"

On the occasion of World Autism Awareness Day, Le Tour de la Question returns to the clichés too often related to this disorder. How are the 600 000 people living more or less severely affected by this handicap? How is the diagnosis made in 2019? What solutions are offered to parents to help them integrate their children in our society? Great injustices and inequalities remain ...

- Florent Chapel , Co-President of the Autism Info Service platform: 0 800 71 40 40 (free) / Co-author of "Autism: The Great Inquiry", published by les Arènes (2016)

- Eglantine Emeyé , Animator and actress, President of the Association "A step towards life". Author of the "Robber of toothbrush, Robert Laffont (2015) (which tells the fight she led for her son Samy, born polyhandicapé) and co-author of" Autism, it is the families who speak the best ", In pocket" I read "(2016)

- A mother , Member of the Association "A step towards life"

- Josef Shovanec , philosopher, writer, traveler, radio columnist for the show "Les Carnets du monde" presented by Sophie Larmoyer on Sunday at 13h on Europe 1, activist for the dignity of autistic people.

- Doctor David Gurion , psychiatrist, co-author of "praises of atypical intelligences", with Séverine Leduc, at Odile Jacob's (2018)