According to the expert, the end of January - the beginning of February is the “peak of winter”, which, as a rule, accounts for the coldest time of the year and the lowest average daily temperature. Nevertheless, the meteorologist notes that this year the coldest time of the year will be a thaw.

“The thaw has already begun, and it will be protracted and will continue until February 5. Moreover, a large temperature anomaly is predicted: under the influence of a subtropical heat wave, the average daily temperature will exceed the mean multiyear norm by 8-11 ° C, ”the expert specified.

According to him, in the coming days, the average daily temperature is predicted at 0 ... + 1 ° C.

“This weather is considered to be very warm, respectively, precipitation will fall instead of snow mainly in the form of rain and in the form of sleet and rain,” added Starks.

In addition, he noted that the temperature background will be very high, daytime highs will approach absolute records by the standards of this time.

Earlier, weather forecasters warned Muscovites about rain and sleet on the evening of January 31.