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The fourth edition of the "Nuit des idées" will take place on Thursday, January 31, 2019. lanuitdesidees.com/en/

Place for debate and reflection this Thursday, January 31, in universities, museums, libraries, theaters, institutes and alliances françaises 70 countries. This is the fourth edition of the Night of Ideas ... Launched in 2016 with eleven debates at the Quai d'Orsay, headquarters of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris, it has since become global. Some 180 events are planned this year in France and across the five continents: forums and round tables, conferences, readings, screenings or artistic performances around the theme "Facing the Present".

From Seoul to Abidjan via New York, Paris or Kabul, 120 cities of the world participate this year in the Night of Ideas, nine in Colombia, seven in Tunisia ... It is therefore not only metropolises.

Philosophers, researchers, whistleblowers or artists, more than a thousand speakers are invited to come and talk to the public about contemporary challenges. It's a bit of a cartography of the worries that cross the world, says the philosopher Mathieu Potte-Bonneville, who coordinates these debates.

" This year it will be a question of the equality of women-men, of Europe, of the restitution of African works of art, of urbanism and of the future of the city, of withdrawal, of the future of multilateralism. ... These themes are very diverse. Night of Ideas is the moment when we can talk about what prevents us from sleeping. "

New forms of dialogue

And over the years, new forms of dialogue are emerging: " We must invent forms that break the face-to-face between someone who knows in the gallery and people who listen passively. This is why there will be a Parliament of ideas at the École Normale Supérieure, meetings on the mode of speed dating in different places, for example in Grenoble, or sessions devoted to the ethical problems of everyday life, New York. It is suggested to a teacher to intervene and the public asks him a question : what should I do ? "

The Nuit des idées hopes to find another way for the circulation of knowledge, between the shouts of polemists and the debates of specialists.

► Listen also to the program De vive (s) voix dedicated to La Nuit des idées , RFI, 30/1/2019

► The official website of the fourth Nuit des idées