The Egyptian magazine Hurriyat caused a huge uproar because of the title and cover photo of the latest version, in which sexual references and a semi-naked picture of "Photoshop" by artists Khaled Abul-Naga and Amr Waked appeared.

The cover of the magazine, which was first published in 1990, was entitled "Clients and other things!", And a picture of the two artists after their membership was suspended by the Syndicate of Representations in Egypt for treason and publishing a bad image about the country.

According to the website of "Russia Today", the well-known Egyptian lawyer Tariq al-Awadhi said: "What Hurriyat did is an insult to the regime itself and an insult to the history of Her Majesty and an insult to Egypt past, present and future. This will not pass unnoticed. All if we do not confront him. "

For her part, said the Egyptian journalist, Mai Azzam, which Amr Waked and the re-publication of its own, that "Al-Masry Al-Youm newspaper was blocked and paid a fine, and was investigated with its editor and pay bail because of" Manchit "every word is real .. The editor of a free freedom magazine has made the cover of his publication a blatant act. "

Khaled Abul-Naga and Amr Waked, however, re-publish the activists' comments, which reject this offensive cover, and have yet to write a response.

The Egyptian Representative Syndicate canceled the membership of artists Amr Waked and Khaled Abu El-Naga after meeting with members of the US Congress in Washington to talk about human rights in Egypt.