
A few weeks ago, in this series, I advised women to cut off a few slices of self-esteem among the men when looking at their own genitals. This had unexpected consequences: Many men write to me that it was not so far ago with the pride on the penis. Rather the opposite is the case! The little friend is under great pressure of expectation, and the man actually asks himself permanently: Is he tall, straight and powerful enough?

This uncertainty surprises at first glance, but gives a penis the owner astonishing advantages: You get about 21 percent more salary, although you rarely need the good piece for the practice of the profession (apart from earlier company outings Hamburg-Mannheimer) , Conversely, a penis miraculously prevents people from getting too much housework, because according to a recent study by the EU, only 34 percent of men clean and cook regularly. This small organ of erectile tissue and connective tissue (before new mail comes: the word "small" refers only to the relationship to the rest of the body) thus protects relatively reliably from old age poverty and unpleasant tasks.

From the Anaconda to the Zitteraal

The penis is also positively represented in the language: Jesko Wilke lists 100 synonyms in his book "Guten Morgen, Latte": from the Anaconda to the Eel, from the Meat Rocket to the Prinzenrolle - the selection is great, and hardly a word has - unlike women - a really negative connotation. "Did you know that in some parts of Austria boys have a" splendor "while the girls have to settle for a" shame "?" a reader writes. This is actually everything said, right?


Jesko Wilke:
Good morning, latte!

The big book on the penis and what else is in it - insights into a phenomenal organ

Goldmann Verlag; 272 pages; 12 euros

Order at Amazon. Order from Thalia.

When does the pressure, the comparison and the feeling of not being satisfied begin? In childhood, with the small - and of course I mean young - penises, the relationship seems still unclouded. Male toddlers like to play with them, they knead on them and stretch them so that they look different when you look at them. A pediatrician explained to me pragmatically: "This is completely normal, I only told my boys that they should stop at least when eating."

Where it hurts the most

The break seems to take place later, at puberty, when the adolescent begins to doubt his genitals. Boys compare themselves in the locker room or in the shower, supposedly doing group masturbation games and, in any case, they use the ruler unnecessarily often. The result: Almost every second man is dissatisfied with the size of his penis, according to the current 3sat documentation "Wunderwerk Penis".

So here is a good news that you probably can not announce often enough: Hardly a woman will be able to say precisely if the erect penis of her bed-mate is eleven or seventeen inches long. Women do have the most amazing things in their handbags, but rulers are rarely among them. They are much more interested in the way the existing centimeters are used. In addition - yes, it sounds totally crazy - they find what's on the penis, at least as exciting: the man in itself.

Women who say something malignant about a penis probably do it mainly because they know the hurtful effect. When the prostitute Stormy Daniel wrote that Donald Trump's penis would look like "the mushroom character from Mario Kart", Twitter ran hot - only an otherwise permanent account remained silent. No retweet, no fake news chatter, no "I'll make it great again!" sounded from the White House. After all the serious allegations that Trump had stoically ignored or denied for two years, he seemed to have met for the first time.

When is a man a man?

But not only the eternal size comparison makes the man in terms of the penis, but also the pressure to perform. The intimacy shows whether the man has "Cojones", whether he is his man - any kind of feigning is difficult. The literature professor Dietrich Schwanitz, who became famous with his university novel "The Campus" wrote in his book "Men": "In sex, then, the fragile ego of the man is brought to view. (...) All imposture would be in vain naked, and his body becomes a measuring instrument, where the pointer indicates the state of virility. "


Dietrich Schwanitz:

A species is visited

Goldmann Verlag; 384 pages; 22,90 Euro

Order at Amazon.

That sounds exhausting, so you do not want to trade. The journalist Hajo Schumacher has intensively dealt with old and new concepts of masculinity in his book "Men's Pageant" and sums up the problem: "The penis has to harden and in the end something has to come out verifiable functions whose non-functioning generates the greatest panic. "


Hajo Schumacher:

How we overcome the old roles with openness, respect and passion

Eichborn Verlag; 256 pages; 20 Euros

Order at Amazon. Order from Thalia.

So it's high time to put pressure on it. Here's the key note: The size and nature of the penis has much less to do with whether or not a woman comes to orgasm than many believe. Let's look at the study published in the journal "Archives of Sexual Behavior" on the so-called orgasmic gap, for which around 53,000 people have been interviewed. Only 65 percent of heterosexual women come to orgasm during sex - that's not pretty, but that's not the point.

Much more interesting about the penis is that in lesbian relationships, 86 percent of women experience a climax in sex with their partner. In other words, a penis is not mandatory for female orgasm. And no, this study should please not demoralize the man, but only relieve the good piece and make it clear: Do not hang the bar too high. And do not define yourself over a single organ. You are more than that.