"Weather forecasters predict a strong snowstorm with a visibility of 500 meters or less, and winds of 20-25 meters per second," the report says.

In particular, weather deterioration is predicted in Uglegorsk, Tomarinsky, Okhinsky, Nogliksky and Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin districts, as well as on the territory of Kholmsky, Korsakovsky, Tymovsky, Nevelsky, Makarovsky, Smirnykhovsky, Poronaisky, Anivsky, Dolinsky districts and Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk.

"The island weather department of Rosgidromet predicts the same weather in the South Kuril and Kuril districts," the agency said.

All divisions of Sakhalinenergo have been transferred to high alert mode due to the impending cyclone.

At the end of December, nine settlements in five districts of Sakhalin were left without electricity as a result of a blizzard.

As reported URA.RU, weather forecasters warned of a cold snap below -40 ° C in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District in the coming days. According to the data of the West Siberian hydrometeorological center, from January 31 to February 4 in the Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Kemerovo regions there will be anomalous frosts down to -35 ° С, in some places down to -40 ° С and lower. This is reported by your Town.ru.