New York police launched an investigation into the sexual harassment of 45-year-old American illusionist David Blaine. Reports the edition about it Daily Beast.

Blaine is suspected of inappropriate and indecent behavior towards two women, but no official charges have been filed against the illusionist yet. One of the unnamed women claims that Blaine raped her in an apartment in Manhattan back in 1998.

The illusionist himself has not yet commented on the situation. Law enforcement officers also declined to comment, but stated that they would seriously approach the investigation.

“New York police are very serious about cases involving acts of a sexual nature and rape. We urge anyone who has been the victim of such crimes to file an application so that we can conduct a full investigation, and offer our victims our services and support, ”said Daily W.

Charges Natasha Prins

Blaine's sexual harassment is not the first time accused. In October 2017, the statement of the former British model Natasha Prince was widely publicized. The application to Scotland Yard filed a model a year earlier.

According to Prince, she met Blaine at a London nightclub in the summer of 2004. Then the model is only 21 years old.

“He was good to me. I do not remember what we were talking about, but I remember that he paid me a lot of attention, ”Prince Daily Beast quoted as saying.

A day later, Blaine sent a model invitation to a party that was held in the Chelsea area. The illusionist allegedly treated the girl with an alcoholic cocktail and took him to the bedroom. Prince stressed that she regarded it as a desire to talk in person.

  • 44-day imprisonment trick in a glass box above the River Thames
  • AFP

Later, the model admitted that after drinking a cocktail, she lost consciousness for a while and did not remember what was happening in the room. When she came to herself, she discovered that the illusionist allegedly rapes her, but she could not resist Blaine.

She added that she decided to go to the police after so much time, because she blamed herself for what had happened and was afraid of public announcement.

“I have always defended myself and my reputation. I thought I was a cool girl from a good British family. I have principles, ”Prins said.

In turn, the illusionist lawyer rejected all claims against his client, noting that David Blaine never raped anyone. According to the defense, the illusionist was willing to cooperate with the investigation to prove his innocence.

Prins charges were made against the background of an investigation by The New York Times about harassment of actresses and models by film producer Harvey Weinstein.

Frozen in time and buried alive

American illusionist David Blaine became famous in the 1990s thanks to the show "Street Magic". However, in addition to television appearances, the illusionist was able to achieve popularity thanks to public experiments on his body.

In 1999, Blaine showed one of his first phenomenal performances. He buried himself alive in a plastic coffin placed in a water sarcophagus, which, in turn, was buried deep underground. The experiment lasted a week.

  • Blaine during one of the tricks
  • Reuters
  • © Andrew Burton

A year later, Blaine organized another experimental trick: the illusionist concluded himself on an iceberg and spent more than 60 hours in a frozen state.

Among his other famous experiments are a 44-day imprisonment in a glass box over the River Thames, standing on top of a 22-meter column in Bryant Park in New York for 35 hours, as well as a seven-day drowned trick Blaine immersed in a water-filled sphere containing isotonic saline.

In 2008, Blaine broke the world record, having lasted more than 17 minutes under water without air.

However, Blaine realized himself as an actor. In addition to documentaries about his work, he played in the films “The Great Buck Howard” (along with John Malkovich, Tom Hanks and Emily Blunt), “Mr.