In the character of an authoritarian woman, Najla Badr returns to the drama through her new series "Abu Ghibal" with the star Mustafa Shaaban. The young actress began filming a number of her scenes at work after a year-long break since last Ramadan. She participated in two series, »With Karim Fahmi, Raim Mustafa and Nabil Halafawi, and a series« we have other sayings ».

Bader said in her interview with Emirates Today that she did not lose sight of the cinema after her experience with the distinguished director Dawood Abdel-Sidd, denying all the rumors about her relationship with star Yousra, which she has been fascinated in more than a series in recent years. I hope to become like her. "

The Egyptian actress expressed her happiness with the participation of Mustafa Shaaban starring his new series «Abujaabl», pointing out that the role is new, and drew attention, and make it focused on to appear this year in a single series embodied the personality of a strong and authoritarian woman on her husband, played by the singer Mohammed Diab, The role of the brother of the hero of the work «Abujbel» Mustafa Shaaban, seeking to power the wife to control because of inheritance, and trying to plan to get rid of Mustafa Shaaban to get the inheritance money for her and her husband only.

Badr explained that the series has strong dramatic lines, dominated by a struggle between large forces, the most important «Abujbel», which plays the character of a large trader, and his rivals from traders and other families, and the most important thing in the events that are in a dramatic drama, In addition to the work team, headed by the author Mohammed Sayed Bashir and director Ahmed Saleh, the championship is shared by a selection of stars, led by Mustafa Shaaban, and Mohammed Diab, and Mary Hassan, Aisha bin Ahmed, Ayda Riad, Rasha bin Mu'awiyah, Mahmud al-Bazawi, and others.

Past experiences

"I was very happy with the success of this series, because it was very adventurous and I did not expect all of this interaction from the audience," said Najla Bader. "There is no actor who can specifically expect success. Any work I take part in, and all I can do is attention to my role, and I wish success and reach the public that does not disappoint any diligent ». "The series was a good director with his first experience, Mohammed Osama, and I think he proved himself because he has a different perspective and a new vision," said the artist. My role in the work was new and completely different to me. I introduced the wife of the police officer, who is placed in difficult circumstances by the events leading to depression and suicide. " She pointed out that many people have reservations about the fact that the championship is collective in the series, but it did not pay attention to it, because it does not measure the role in size, and does not see the importance of the series in this way, but focuses on its role as long as it is convinced from the beginning of its importance. Her second series in Ramadan was "We Have Other Sayings," starring Yousra, Sherine Reza, Ahmed Hatem and a number of stars. "But at the same time we were happy to introduce the work in Saudi Arabia on a screen from the Kingdom, and we were happier with our audience and welcomed the work," Najla Badr said. "This is a great substitute for not displaying it in Egypt. And, most importantly, that the work of an Arab channel has spread very well ».

Shame on health

On the news that Najla Badr decided not to participate in the dramatic work now, because she has been with her in more than one successive work over the past years, Najla Badr confirmed that this is completely shameful because she loves Yousra not only at the level of work, but at the level For her, as she put it: "The six model that I hope to become like, a great talent and a high morale, enjoys a high level of spirit and positive energy, encourages greatness before the young, humble, and treats everyone with respect, It encourages us all, and it is impossible to stop working with it, even if we do Every day is serial. " Badr, who has been absent from the cinema since her last film "Extraordinary Capabilities," said with the great director Daoud Abdel-Sidd, in a role he described as bold: "I did not go out of the cinema with my temper, but I feel a bit strange. , But I am looking for a different idea or combination, because I have a great ambition in cinema, I have accounts, and I look forward to doing important and influential work, which of us does not want to exist cinematically, but how? That is the most important question. " "I do not want to be a filmmaker without value, especially as I have done important work with the great director Daoud Abdel-Sadeed, which is extraordinary abilities. I think this experience hit me with a knot. I tried to deal with great cinematic value. Another experiment is not the same value ».

Pass lightly on the idea

A quick dramatic look, in which Najla Badr appeared in the series "My Share and Your Class", in which she participated in a series of five episodes entitled "Love You Forever". She said: "I was very happy with the idea, because the presentation of the stories in five episodes is something new and different, and it resembles the traffic lightly on the idea, and I felt like a film and not a serial, because the series was separate, thank God my story has achieved great success, And found reactions from viewers, and pioneers of media media and critics and journalists ».

Najla stressed her keenness to choose her Adora with great care and meticulousness Flatrid views several of the impact and add to her career.

- «I bet strongly on the books (Abu-Jabal), which carries a good text and a distinctive plot».

"It's a bit strange, and I'm looking for a new cinematic composition."