The most adequate reaction to the Ukrainian elections is non-recognition. This approach is demonstrated in the State Duma. On Monday morning, the Committee on CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots recommended adopting a statement on non-recognition of the results of the presidential elections in the Square.

Moreover, this is not at all an act of manifestation of any hostility towards a neighboring country, it is a fixation of reality. Logging it if you want. Millions of Ukrainians in Russia could not vote, Donbass did not vote. There were no Russian election observers. And all this is only on the surface.

State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin, before the Ukrainian elections, said that the credibility of them was “nullified”, and Poroshenko would not be able to honestly defeat them. But he was dragged into the second round, and now you can imagine what kind of bacchanalia will begin there and what can be done. Here the arsenal of the current Kiev authorities is huge, because there are no constraining factors. To raise his rating, Petro Poroshenko has already doused the Donbass with blood, arranged the Kerch provocation, blinded together with the Patriarch of Constantinople Frankenstein — his own manual pseudo-church — and danced around the Tomos.

How is it possible to recognize all this? But this is also an integral part of the presidential election in Ukraine. You admit it - and you seem to close your eyes on the murder of children of Donbass. You will put it on chance: suddenly the fool's jester, a peasant who replaced the chocolate cannibal, will not kill, will not all misfortunes and misfortunes be brought to Russia? Doubtful hopes like Emelin's stove: suddenly, it will take it somewhere by itself. A sort of indicator of complete political infantilism, but you are no longer infantile. Therefore, only non-recognition. Any other option will now be an attempt to understand the foul-smelling waste. Why do we need this? ..

However, in this whole vicious circus there is an obvious important point that should not be missed, but the value should not be exaggerated either. Petro Poroshenko, and with him the whole Maidan gang, notably clicked on the nose. This was a kind of invasion of reality into their area of ​​non-existence by Gogol's Viy. And the reality was invaded not by some mythical Russian tanks, but by the checkboxes of the voters - their own citizens.

Well, yes, much easier to blame everything on external aggression, than to see the bloody boiling water of civil confrontation inside the country ...

One way or another, but the results of the first round showed that the Ukrainian Maidan authorities have been living in recent years, not feeling the country for themselves. That Poroshenko with his tomos, with all his provocations, demagogic tirades and the terrible saber-rattling weapon is not worth a penny. Jester And from one jester to the other, with a hand set, all in one bundle - that the rods, with which the Square itself gushes. The trouble is such a habit, and they don’t know how to get rid of it, they don’t know. What will the new Ukrainian president do with all this new knowledge? And nothing. Only note the correctness of the intended course for a cardinal European-quality repair of the country and a sweep from the whole of Russia, will say a little about the excesses and that all mistakes will be taken into account.

So Leonid Slutsky, chairman of the State Duma’s international affairs committee, when assessing the Sunday results, also noted the failure of Poroshenkov’s policy cultivated in blood and anti-Russian hysteria. According to Slutsky, “it cannot be ruled out that Petro Poroshenko breaks into the second round only thanks to the administrative resource and various frauds”. Well, how can all these games of political gamblers be recognized? ..

On the other hand, comedian Zelensky, who played the school teacher, who became president, in the popular television series “Servant of the People” in Ukraine. There is a suitable slogan: "The story of the next president."

How is the Ukrainian “dream factory” worse than Hollywood, which, as we observe, in many ways forms western policy? Also here you can make the series come true, so that not only in the box you can watch it, but also live it, like on a giant stage site.

All the fun and courageous. The former actor Ronald Reagan was president in the States. When he began to destroy himself the Soviet Union. Here and here this analogy can be useful, because the showman Zelensky in any case will have to prove himself brutal towards Russia, they will not understand another horde of Bandera with torches and start burning tires again. Therefore, it got into the presidency - demand the Crimea back, compensation for it and with them new sanctions. The ritual there is like a blood oath.

Suppose Vladimir Zelensky is the kindest comedian, not an evil clown. He will still be held hostage by the situation when it is necessary to cover the crimes of the Ukrainian authorities in recent years, as well as the state theft, from which Ukrainian independence began in 1991. That is how Alexander Solzhenitsyn called the situation when, after the flag of the USSR was lowered, both the Crimea and a number of actually Russian regions remained behind Ukraine. It flared up and began to fall apart when the sword of violent Ukrainization hung over these territories and there appeared a danger of being infected with the hatred viruses of Russia. What did you want? Theft at the basis of independence is not the most reliable foundation, but there is also inertia, according to which you have to charge yourself with hatred for your eastern fraternal neighbor to justify your crime ...

In the meantime, Zelensky is a horse in the senate (who in this case is Caligula is not hard to understand). A definite attempt to create the appearance of an upgrade of elites. Outwardly more humane and presentable, less implicated in a fratricidal slaughter. And in fact - what to do in the current conditions in the Square, how not to laugh and indulge in unbridled fun? Here is the showman, programmed by the presidential series, in your hand. We, too, all the nineties giggled relentlessly, sold out. Zelensky was promoted in Russia thanks to the same ubiquitous pop in all areas. Popse, striving in the role of rulers of thoughts and minds, but for which there is no national interest and a sense of belonging to the country. Rejoice zyazannosti Zelensky with Russian show business? So Poroshenko was chocolate factories connected. But it does not mean anything. Business is not national interests, it is zilch, not blood and soil.

This is all to the fact that you should not deceive yourself. It is necessary to clearly understand what are the "servants of the people", arranging a powerful slapstick in Ukraine. Therefore, once again: the most adequate strategy is non-recognition, which is what the Russian parliament is talking about. The non-recognition of both the demonstrated political “soap” called the “presidential election” and the course that the country close to us dooms to itself under the yoke of evil clowns. This is not only important for us, but also for the Ukrainians themselves - a kind of outstretched hand to help get out of the swamp. When they get out, they will also wonder how all this could be with them.

Volodin is right. Nulled.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.