In addition to the monthly reports we have launched over the last two years on Meedan to review the most important courses and free monthly courses offered by the world's leading universities and self-learning platforms, we will highlight the most important free courses available in Arabic and English in April.

The rights of women in the Arab world and ways of empowering them

The course begins on April 1 through the "Perak" platform, and lasts for 6 weeks with a weekly effort of not more than two hours. The aim of the course is to spread the principles of justice and equality of opportunities between the sexes, and to spread the awareness required to share the culture of equal opportunities and outcomes between men and women to empower women in Arab societies. The course focuses on the development of women's rights in the Arab world and the legal framework governing women's rights worldwide, with a number of basic concepts such as feminism, formal and actual equality, gender and gender discrimination, violence and discrimination against women and women's economic and political empowerment. To join the course from here.

Imaging and data management

This course is offered by the University of Wesleyan via the Coursera platform for those interested in managing, analyzing and photographing data. It begins at the beginning of April and lasts for 4 weeks, during which it will discuss a number of important topics related to data management, analysis and interpretation, beginning with identifying the data and how to base it on developing research questions and describing the variables. To join the course from here.

Data science in real life

This course is part of the Johns Hopkins University's Executive Data Science Program, which is located on the Corsera platform for those interested in data science and computer science. The course begins on April 1 and lasts for one week only, during which many important topics on real-life data science are studied, common errors in data analysis delivery, identification of strengths and weaknesses in experimental data science designs, For causal reasoning and data quality management strategies. To join the course from here.

E - Commerce: Supply Chain

This course is aimed at the owners of new and upcoming online stores, starting on April 1st through the Riwaq platform, which will last for eight weeks, focusing on learning how to learn about supply chains in e-commerce, and know the mechanism of supply and import of products. , Stock and supply chain management for the e-shop, learning how to make decisions about supply chains for the e-store, and familiarity with the practical basics in the development of e-shop operational policies. To join the course from here.

Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

The course of Leadership and Emotional Intelligence reviews the various emotional intelligence components that a learner can use to build a strong network of relationships and influence the collaborators, deal with difficult conversations, create energy and enthusiasm to promote meaningful change, and highlight lessons to be learned to enhance his abilities as a leader. . The course is offered by the Indian Business School across the Corsera platform and will begin on April 1 and will last for 4 weeks. To join the course from here.

Spanish for beginners

This course is intended for those who want to learn Spanish and its basics. It starts on April 1 and lasts for 6 weeks with a weekly effort of 5-6 hours. The course aims to identify some grammatical structures, vocabulary and proper use of the Spanish language at the beginner level according to the standardized European framework of languages, through the most common daily routines, phrases and phrases used in everyday life. To join the course from here.

Cluster analysis in data mining

This course is offered by the University of Illinois via the Corsera platform. It begins on April 1 and lasts for 4 weeks with a study period of 4 to 6 hours per week. The course aims at discovering the basic concepts of cluster analysis, and then studying the typical collection methods of algorithms and applications that include hierarchical, divisional and density-based methods, as well as learning how to validate and evaluate the quality of groups. To join the course from here.

Corseira platform (networking sites)

Design without energy: a way to make your building sustainable

This course starts on 3 April and lasts for 6 weeks with a weekly effort of 4 to 6 hours. The course will focus on how to make buildings sustainable, learn the most appropriate measures for individual buildings under local climatic conditions, and apply a gradual approach to energy reduction measures. To join the course from here.

Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Photography of Natural History

This course starts on 3 April and lasts for 6 weeks with a weekly effort of 3 to 6 hours. It is offered by the University of Newcastle, Australia, via the IDEX platform, and targets learners who aspire to join the field of drawing. The course focuses on learning the basic skills and techniques that form the cornerstone for creating accurate and stunning copies of the world's natural subjects, and building basic observation skills and visual and visual interpretation skills in an interactive and enjoyable manner. To join the course from here.

Life Chemistry

This course aims to develop the skills needed to generate new ideas in the interaction between chemistry and biology through the analysis of pilot studies. From the University of Kyoto through the IDEX platform, which begins on April 4 and lasts for 13 weeks with a study effort of 2 to 3 hours per week. It focuses on learning how to generate ideas for research and business, how to read and write chemical structures, Chemistry of biology, and how to control biological events by chemical means. To join the course from here.

Introduction to music tasting

The aim of this course is to increase the musical knowledge of all learners, whatever their background, thus raising their musical taste and exposing them to different types of music they may not have experienced before. The course begins on 7 April and lasts for 3 weeks with a maximum of 3 hours per week. The course includes an explanation of classical Western musical instruments and Arabic musical instruments by presenting their images, sounds, growth and development. It also deals with the concept of the orchestra, the oriental music tect, in addition to the definition of Arabic and Western musical music and the molds on which it was written, explaining its components and characteristics and listening to the models. To join the course from here.

English for professional development

This course is offered by the University of Pennsylvania via the Coursera platform with funding from the Office of English Language Programs at the US Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. Will begin on April 8 and will last for 5 weeks. The course will discuss the fundamentals of English, which must be learned and mastery for professional development and career growth in the global market, with an introduction to the basics of job search and advancement, With vocabulary building and improved language skills to achieve professional goals. To join the course from here.

Graphic Design

This course is designed for those who are interested in the field of art and design, specifically graphic design. The course is offered by the University of Colorado Boulder through the Coursera platform on April 8, and lasts for 4 weeks, during which it will take many important lessons such as how to use contrast, Credible and visually attractive. To become a learner at the end of the course is a sophisticated fundamentals of graphic design and able to design slides, professional reports and commercial sites and many other designs. To join the course from here.

Stanford Introduction to Health Food

This course is offered by Stanford University on the Corsera platform and will begin on April 8 and will last for 5 weeks, during which it will address many topics related to food and the environment away from discussions about nutrient reduction. It begins with a background on food and nutrients, then moves on to practical discussions about food and the environment, contemporary trends in eating, as well as future trends in food health, as well as how to prepare healthy food and a healthy food role in improving our health and living longer lives. To join the course from here.

Life of happiness and prosperity

This course is one of the most important courses in the field of humanities. It is ranked second among the most important courses of humanities, and the first rank as the best course in philosophy is available on the Corsera platform. The course is offered by the Indian Business School and addresses many topics related to happiness and the determinants of happiness and prosperity. It begins on 8 April and lasts for 6 weeks at a rate of 2 to 3 hours per week. To join more than 54,000 learners and join the course from here.

Constitutional conflicts in the Islamic world

This course is offered by the University of Copenhagen on the Corseera platform on 8 April, which lasts for 10 weeks with a study rate of 8-12 hours per week. The course is the third among the best courses of history. It is a survey of constitutional ideas and institutions that have developed since the middle of the nineteenth century in all Muslim-majority countries, with a focus on the actors that dominated this discourse and its results, legal and political developments in the 20th and 21st centuries . To join the course from here.

Epidemiology: Basic science of public health

This course is offered by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on the Corsera platform for those interested in epidemiology, public health and public health medicine. The course begins on 8 April and lasts for 6 weeks, with a weekly effort of not more than 3 hours. The course aims to identify epidemiology as the cornerstone of public health, its relation to real life and its role in better evaluation of public health programs and policies, as well as the identification of public health issues such as cardiovascular disease and infectious diseases through the lens of epidemiology. To join the course from here.

Digital supply chain: from design to operation

The course begins on April 10 and lasts for 4 weeks with a 2-3 hours per week study, focusing on how to build a comprehensive digital supply chain from design and planning to manufacturing, logistics and operations, The importance of a smart digital supply chain to turn this vision into reality, as well as review the full range of private supply chain solutions, and how to support each of them to the entire digital communication supply chain. To join the course from here.

Prehistoric gospel, purpose and political future

This course is offered by Emory University on the Corsera platform on 15 April and lasts for 6 weeks with a weekly effort of 2-4 hours per week. The course is ranked third among the best courses available in the humanities and ranks first in the religious specialization according to students' assessments on the Corsira platform. He addresses the gospel as a political model as well as addressing many topics about the history of the gospel and the political future. To join the course from here.

Roman architecture

This course is offered by Yale University on the Corsera platform on April 15 and lasts for 9 weeks with a weekly effort of 4 to 8 hours per week. The course begins with an introduction to Roman architecture, the founding of Rome and the beginning of the Roman era in Italy, as well as the lifestyle of the rich and famous from the houses and palaces of Mumbai, with the discovery of the power of architecture to shape politics, society and culture, as well as various topics on the visual arts and ancient Roman architecture. To join the course from here.

Build your business model professionally

This course is offered by the Georgia Institute of Technology via the Coursera platform, which begins on April 15 and lasts for 4 weeks. The course is aimed at writers, editors, graphic designers, programmers, network developers and e-business owners, focusing on teaching them how to build a professional personal account that displays their backgrounds, CVs and samples of their previous work to support their expertise and excellence in their areas of work. To join the course from here.

Marketing of public libraries and public relations

This course starts on 17 April and lasts for 4 weeks with a weekly effort of 2 to 3 hours. The course is offered by the University of Michigan through the IDEX platform as part of the Professional Certificate Program for Public Libraries Management and focuses on identifying how to develop effective marketing and public relations strategies to help share library programs, services and value with the wider community. The course aims to identify the difference between marketing, branding and public relations, learn the basics of media communication and PR strategies, how to develop marketing solutions and work with professional designers. To join the course from here.

Introduction to Teaching Vocabulary

This course is offered to teachers via the FutureLearn platform. It starts on April 29 and lasts for 4 weeks with a study time not exceeding two hours per week. The course aims to understand the basics of vocabulary teaching, explore key research on vocabulary teaching and the word gap, learn teaching strategies that can be applied in any context, and think about the role and importance of meta-knowledge in vocabulary teaching. To join the course from here.

In the end, the previous courses are the most important and most important this month, so whether you are interested in natural sciences, life, education, teaching, technology, technology, programming, computer science, entrepreneurship, project management, or even self development or otherwise, you will find this report. You can also see the most important courses of the past months: for March courses from here, here for February courses, and here for the list of courses for January, and here for the courses for December, November.