The National Center for Biotechnology Information in the United States has revealed that the retention of lactating teeth may save the child's future life.

He attributed the importance of the matter that stem cells in the bone marrow, which is stored heavily in the first teeth of children, can be used to treat serious diseases such as cancer or diabetes, which may affect the child later in life.

A child who has cancer before the age of 10 can be treated with stem cells extracted from his or her age.

According to The Sun, they can also help develop new eye tissue and bones, even 10 years after the fall of the white teeth.

Extracting stem cells from the bone marrow may be a very painful procedure, but since the tooth extracted from the child's mouth is retained, cells can easily be obtained from the tooth and used for treatment instead of undergoing this painful process.

Because white teeth are not used for many years before they fall, they are often in good condition.