Because of a neighborhood dispute over a dog, a man on the French Mediterranean island of Corsica has opened fire on passers-by. It was a human killed. He attacked his neighbors with a knife. In total, five people were injured in the incident.

The conflict between the man and his neighbors began five to six years ago, prosecutors of Bastia Caroline Tharot said. Thus, the shooter's dog had apparently bitten his neighbor's girlfriend.

According to Tharot, the convicted perpetrator - a Korse born in 1953 - first attacked his neighbor in front of a residential building in the district of Montesoro in the south of Bastia. He stabbed the 23-year-olds accordingly with a carpet knife in the stomach and the arm. Subsequently, the man attacked the girlfriend of his neighbor and stabbed him with the knife in the arm.

Then he got two hunting rifles and shot them around, said Tharot. He thereby killed the caretaker of the building and injured three other people, including a police officer. Subsequently, the shooter entrenched himself on the third floor of the building and killed himself.

According to investigators, the man was known to the authorities as violent. He was twice convicted of gun violence in the past.

Shots showed how heavily armed security guards protected the area around the house in the evening in which the man had entrenched himself. The police temporarily sealed parts of the city and a cultural center was evacuated. The authorities had asked residents to avoid the area.