Small Italian towns suffer from a large population shortage, prompting local authorities to lure people with "lucrative" sums to move on, in a move considered a form of populist "resistance".

According to the CNN, the mayor of the town of Lucana, on the borders of France and Switzerland, intends to pay about 10 thousand and 200 euros over three years, each family decides to move to the village.

But this tempting offer sets out an important condition: that the family has at least one child and that the annual income should not be less than $ 8650.

According to the report, the zombies who believe that the village will open their doors and provide them with money so that they can live without trouble or work, will disappoint them when reading these conditions.

Many Italian towns have suffered a massive decline in population, and several campaigns have been launched to encourage people to live there. Some homes have been sold at very low prices, not exceeding one dollar.

The town is located in the Piedmont region, which had 7,000 inhabitants during the 20th century, but has fallen to about 1,500 recently. Every year, 40 people die and only 10 are born.