A few days after it was released, the new album of the Kairuki team, titled The Sons of the Black Duck, was able to achieve high viewing rates, and the song "You had a Match" got nearly 2 million views in four days, Four million views in six days, topping the rest of the songs of the album, and the rest of the songs of the album views close to this ratio.

In spite of the success of "Maaya Maaya" in particular, it was the cause of the group's legal prosecution, after the legal affairs of the National Information Authority in Egypt submitted a communication to the artworks against Kayroki. The team exploited part of the song "Ensak" for Umm Kulthum, The rights of ownership of many of its works belong to Egyptian television. The lawyers of the Authority prepared an official memorandum detailing all the details and contracts confirming the right of television in the song used by the team, and submitting the communication accordingly.

The album, "The Sons of the Black Duck," also sparked controversy among social networking leaders. While many of the participants in the label expressed their admiration for the album and the songs they included, they considered it a step forward in the artistic process, both in terms of words, melodies and distribution. , Others saw that the album did not live up to their expectations after two years of waiting, and less than the previous album «White Point».

"The Sons of the Black Duck" is a musical movement in the style of the team, which gained its fame during the events of January 2011 in Egypt with the song "Voice of Freedom", also the words and topics discussed by the songs became easier and more open to different groups of society. Rebellion and change the negatives of reality or refuse to engage in at least, in addition to the introduction of many feelings, such as fear and loss and isolation and others, as in the song «you have a ma'aya» that criticizes the state of art and content provided by many artists and promote ideas and dreams far from The actual reality of ordinary man: "You have to keep falling, you keep falling, your voice remains faint or not audible." It is included in the lyrics of the song "Ansak" by Umm Kulthum, in a different distribution in line with the general nature of the album. The song "Black and White", which has achieved nearly three million views, raises many questions that concern young people and the confusion and confusion between their ambitions and ideas on the one hand and their difficult reality on the other.

Before the release of the album, the team posted on its social networking site, saying that the album addresses those who do not find themselves with others: "The album is for everyone who does not know himself in one way or another because he is strange or different or even uncomfortable, Why do people consult us in the street Mbnhzz because we know who we are .. We are the sons of the black duck ».

The album features eight songs: "Benkhaf, you had a mareya, you white, black, we called the rest of the boys, we do not sing, I'm the cigarette, it's not small anymore, I'm the voice." Kayeruki was founded in 2003 and consists of: Amir Eid (singer and guitarist), Sherif Hawari (Guitar and Vocal), Tamer Hashim (Dramzes), Adam Al-Alfi (bass guitar) and Sherif Mustafa (Orj player). The team released five albums before the "Black Ducklings": "Wanted Leader", "I Am Myself Base," "The Railroad North," "People and People," and "White Point."

Drop on Mohammed Ramadan

The song "Hop-Hop", which was described as an additional song in the album, which included eight songs, carried a different character more popular in terms of words and melody, approaching the artistic festivals that have emerged in recent years on the musical scene in Egypt, and considered a large segment of listeners, A projection on the artist Mohammed Ramadan. The song deals with the rapid appearance of some models that do not carry real content in their personality or performance, and therefore quickly fall and disappear.


Songs included in the album

What's New?

Which is sixth

In the march of the band.