Today, all attention is focused on Venezuela, where there is a confrontation between the revolutionary government and the US puppets. We have witnessed the unprecedented recognition by a group of countries of the tyrant Juan Guaido as president of the republic. However, it’s too early to try on the laurels of the winner - the real number of protesters is very different from the television picture. Voenkor Sasha Kots is now in Caracas, where he actually leads the online broadcast. And what is curious - about three thousand representatives of the creative class gathered at the last rally. Well, so-so protest.

But Emmanuel Macron distinguished himself, almost the twin brother of the impostor Guaido. In his Twitter, he wrote: "I salute the bravery of hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans who took to the streets for their freedom." What a twist! I can imagine how surprised tens of thousands of Frenchmen, who, by order of Macron, were poisoned with gas, poured with icy water, and shot at their faces with rubber bullets. For his citizens, the French president did not find any approving words. However, they are not even expected of him - “yellow vests” want only one thing: the resignation of the president and his anti-people cabinet.

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to compare what is happening in Venezuela and France: Macron represents a political and ideological slice of those who are trying to come to power in Caracas today. But the revolutionary government of Nicholas Maduro is mentally close in time to the “yellow vests” demanding social and national justice. That is why Emmanuel Macron so vividly speaks in support of Juan Guayido, whom image-makers dressed as young Barack Obama.

Such a type would not have taken root among the rebelled French, their leaders are packy men, farmers, workers, people of physical labor. In December last year and the beginning of this year, I myself took part in three acts of the French Revolution and was amazed at the amount of myths surrounding the "vests." I pointed out the first one above - in contrast to Venezuela, where the bulk of them represent a well-to-do creative class, the French “vests” are mainly working people: bus drivers, mechanics, cooks; One former Yugoslav introduced himself as an industrial fisherman. The uprising of the "yellow vests" is not a revolution of the mantle.

Another separate myth is built on the ethnic composition of the participants. It is often said that diasporas are behind the unrest in the French capital. Of course, it is not. Tens of thousands of people who went out into the street are French from the suburbs, the real ones. Many of them get to the capital and major cities by train and other public transport, as the notorious gasoline has become too expensive. By the way, it was from this that mass protests began. And if then Macron could correct the situation, now the requirements have changed, and the number of participants has increased from week to week.

The French media will not tell you about this, on the contrary, a command has been given to hush up the protest actions or to minimize the number of participants as much as possible by building a picture so that everyone has a feeling of a decline in protests.

Of course, there is no objectivity about it: the authorities extinguish the fire of the uprising as they can, using all available tools - from the siloviki, who promised a good fee, to the pocket media. The latter "vests" are treated with aversion, occasionally storming television and radio stations. The only media causing French sympathy is RT, which gives a true picture. There is an amazing video where the column of the rebels is chanting: “Merci, RT!”. And in general, I heard this phrase in my address and in the address of my colleagues more than once.

All these methods of the French authorities were ineffective - irritation in society continues to grow. Therefore, the know-how was invented - to replace the protest with pocket rallies, for which hastily a movement of “red scarves” was organized, opposing the “vests” and for stabilizing the situation. Formally, the “red shawls” declare that they do not support the economic policy of Macron, but it is clear to everyone that the main goal of the newly formed movement is to split the popular protest and pull some of the rebels to their side.

However, very few people believe in this option: movements inspired by the government look ridiculous and ridiculous. Here the “red scarves” with their slogans “Respect for our institutions!” And the sale of the official merch at events is no exception. I am sure that if the movement of "yellow vests" survived the harassment by the media, the arrests of the most courageous representatives, then the pro-government bourgeois fake bankers and senators can only cause a smile.

In the meantime, Emmanuel Macron, who has lost political capital, can continue to write admiring tweets about the attempted coup in Venezuela. As if not to be left behind in the story.

These are the realities of today in France.

The point of view of the author may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.