Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) provides AED 500 thousand for three months' worth of treatment. The child suffers from a rare genetic disease and requires six months of injections worth AED1,128,000 and still needs AED 628,000 to supplement the rest. The cost of treatment at Mafraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi, and his family unable to provide, even a small part of the value of injections, appeal to the good people and the hearts of compassion help (Hassan) quickly, especially as his condition deteriorates rapidly, and the disease threatens his life.

Dr. Musa Tariq Khoury, Head of Shari'a Management and Community Services Services at DIB, said that the Bank's management is always seeking community involvement in the public interest and translating its policy into philanthropy.

He added that she saw the help of the patient immediately, and stand by him, after the publication of «Emirates Today» story, finally, pointing out that the Department decided to ensure the cost of child treatment for three months worth half a million dirhams, wishing institutions and entities working in the state and individuals to help the child, to complete Treatment.

He added that «the donation is a translation of the policy of leadership, humanitarian philanthropy», and called on the private sector to activate its role more community, and solidarity with humanitarian situations and community initiatives, which are in the public interest.

And coordinated the "hot line" between the management of the bank and the Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Action in Dubai, to transfer the value of the donation to the concerned body, after coordination with the management of Mafraq Hospital.

On March 20, Emirates Al-Youm published the story of the suffering of the child (Hassan - 11 years - Sudanese) with a rare genetic disease called mucosal mucus caused by a defect in the part responsible for the burning of unwanted substances, causing delay In the growth of the body, although the growth in the early years of the child's life was normal, in addition to the mental delay worsens with the passage of years, and the strange features of the face, tongue and jaw are huge, and also short in height and large in the size of the head, The value of a single injection is 47,000 dirhams per week and 188,000 dirhams per month, and now it needs to be injected for six months worth Dhs 1.2 million, at Mafraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi.

The father of the child told Emirates Al-Youm about his son's suffering with the disease. He said that he has three children: Hasan Akbar, 11, Ahmed (10 years), Down's syndrome and the youngest Rama (four years) , And enjoying good health.

"In 2007, my wife went to Sudan to put our first child near her mother. During the birth, the child was suffocated. He was placed in the nursery for four days. There was a lack of oxygen and a bluish face. Receives health care and medical examinations. "

"The doctor told us that the child needs to be followed up by the parents so as not to be suffocated, especially during sleep, and after 60 days completed, my wife returned to the country. I noticed that the child was suffocating, Especially in Abu Dhabi, did not improve and did not diagnose the situation accurately, so decided to travel my wife and child to Sudan because the treatment is less expensive there, and after the medical tests and analysis, has been diagnosed with a rare disease called (mucosal mucus), and treatment is not available in Sudan ».

"We went back to the state and took my child to a private hospital. The child was transferred to Tawam Hospital. The tests were re-examined. The doctors confirmed that the child had a rare disease and the treatment was available at Tawam Hospital. The patient needs an intravenous injection for eight hours, In the burning and removal of dead cells as part of the process of construction and continuous demolition in the body of the patient ».

"Hassan was diagnosed as a multiple obstetrician, and he was addressed to the Health Authority in Abu Dhabi, and the recovery of his aid card, which cost his treatment. In 2010, the first operation was performed at Tawam Hospital (permanent catheter) During the past year, we noticed a significant change in the movement of Hassan during walking, and severe fatigue, was presented to the specialist doctor at Mafraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi, and told us that the child has a problem in the heart valve, and one of the feet longer than the other, The doctor confirmed the need to convert the child to a specialist in orthopedic, in the city of Sheikh Lifa Medical in Abu Dhabi ».

"After examining the condition of the child, the doctor told me that he needed four operations in the bones. All of these operations require a long period of anesthesia, the child's condition does not allow anesthesia, and his previous treatment must be completed until his condition improves gradually, but it was never expected. "I had your support card, not my ability to renew it at the moment."

"I can not manage even a fraction of the rest of the cost of treating my child. I left work because of the loss of the company I was working in. I am still looking for another job, through which I can provide for the needs of my family," he said. The cost of treating a child.

Accumulation of dead substances

A medical report issued by Al-Mafraq Hospital in Abu Dhabi and obtained by Emirates Al-Youm reported that the child suffers from a rare disease caused by a defect of the so-called lysosome, which is the result of his inability to produce the enzyme responsible for getting rid of Blood sugar excretion and cracking, a process responsible for it through the enzymes it produces, leading to the accumulation of dead substances in every cell of the body, which is a burden on living cells, can not perform its tasks normally.

This causes growing and growing destruction in all parts of the body, including the heart, bones, joints, respiratory system and nervous system. The child needs intravenous injection to help compensate the missing enzyme to get rid of waste and unwanted substances within the body's cells.

Community participation

The family of Hassan expressed their great pleasure and deep thanks to the management of Dubai Islamic Bank for ensuring that it pays the treatment expenses for three months. "This is not strange to the bank. It is a race to help and provide assistance to everyone who needs it, Leading country-level ».