China News Service, Sanya, January 19th: International tourists are keen on traditional Chinese medicine and health tourism in Sanya, Hainan

  Author Zhang Yuehe

  As international routes to Hainan gradually resume operations, Sanya, which has a pleasant winter climate, attracts many international tourists.

While enjoying the sun, beach and sea, they are also very keen to experience acupuncture, massage, cupping and other traditional Chinese medicine health care projects.

  "This is our first time coming to Sanya, Hainan. It is very cold in Russia now, so we chose to come to the warm Sanya for vacation and recuperation. We have never experienced traditional Chinese medicine before, and we especially want to give it a try this time." At Sanya International Friendship Traditional Chinese Medicine Sanatorium, Russia Tourist Pavel said that he chose different treatment methods for himself and his children, and the initial experience was particularly good.

  Another elderly Russian couple spoke highly of traditional Chinese medicine.

His wife Svetlana said that she had been treated for asthma and joint pain in many countries, and the treatment effect in Sanya was the most satisfactory. Through acupuncture, acupoint massage, moxibustion and other therapies, her pain problem was well relieved. , the two plan to extend the treatment time and come to Sanya regularly for recuperation every year.

  Sanya's unique natural resources attract a large number of domestic and foreign tourists to spend the winter here every year, many of whom have strong needs for recuperation. The concept of "preventing disease" in traditional Chinese medicine meets this demand.

Xie Li, who works as a Russian translator in a nursing home, said that since the beginning of winter this year, the number of international guests has increased significantly. Most of them are middle-aged and elderly people who need recuperation. Some young people also come to experience it out of curiosity.

  "Many international tourists will learn more about excellent traditional Chinese culture such as calligraphy and medicinal diet through traditional Chinese medicine." Liu Jianhao, director of Sanya Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said that due to the complementarity and difference in climate, countries such as Russia and Kazakhstan are the main overseas destinations for traditional Chinese medicine in Sanya. Source of tourists.

From October 2023 to now, the Sanya International Friendship Traditional Chinese Medicine Sanatorium under the hospital has received an average of at least 30 overseas guests every day.

  The resumption of international air routes and the visa-free policy for travelers from 59 countries in Hainan have made it easier for international tourists to live in Sanya.

According to Sanya Phoenix International Airport, from January 1 to 17, 2024, the airport completed a total of 178 international and regional flight takeoffs and landings, and a passenger throughput of 22,483 passengers. Kazakhstan, South Korea, Russia and other countries and regions are the main sources of passengers. land.

  In order to welcome the arrival of international tourists, hotels and catering companies in Sanya have also been optimized and upgraded.

Chen Lihua, deputy general manager and director of marketing and sales of Sanya Yintai Sunshine Resort Hotel, said that in response to the characteristics of international tourists who like traditional Chinese medicine and health care, the hotel has newly introduced a professional traditional Chinese medicine health care center, which has been well received by overseas tourists. It also cooperates with travel agencies to help tourists solve language inconveniences. The problem.

  In addition to recuperating, Pavel and his family also found a taste of their hometown in Sanya.

Zhang Zhigang, the founder of Dolphin American Western Restaurant in Sanya, said that in recent years, Sanya has added many new restaurants with different national and regional flavors, such as Russian food. He is currently preparing a Spanish-style restaurant, hoping to bring more convenience to those who live in Sanya for a long time. International friends of Sanya Travel provide more dining options.
