China News Service, Beijing, January 19 (Reporter Pang Wuji) The China Economic System Reform Research Association released the "Third-Party Assessment Report on Reform Heat in the Fourth Quarter of 2023" in Beijing on the 19th.

The report shows that China's reform enthusiasm has increased for three consecutive quarters.

  The report shows that the reform enthusiasm index in the fourth quarter of 2023 was 71.21, an increase of 2.52 from the previous quarter. It has been on an upward trend for three consecutive quarters since the second quarter of 2023.

  The "Reform Heat Index" research team of the China Economic Structural Reform Research Association believes that in response to the many difficulties and challenges faced by the economic operation in 2023, since the third quarter, the central government has introduced a series of policy measures, and the Central Economic Work Conference will "deepen key areas "Reform" is listed as the focus of economic work in 2024, and it is proposed to plan major measures to further comprehensively deepen reforms.

Under this circumstance, the reform enthusiasm index increased significantly in the fourth quarter, and the publicity and response to the reform increased significantly.

  The research team believes that reform and opening up is still a key move that determines the destiny of contemporary China, and we must persist in relying on reform and opening up to enhance the endogenous power of development.

It is necessary to continue to increase the enthusiasm for reform, create a good reform atmosphere, continue to deepen reforms in key areas, and continue to inject strong impetus into promoting high-quality development and accelerating Chinese-style modernization.

  Judging from the six major fields of politics, economy, culture, society, ecology, and party building that make up the reform heat index, compared with the previous quarter, the indexes in the six major fields have increased, with the highest increase in the political field.

  In terms of regions, the report pointed out that the indices in the eastern, central, northeastern and western regions were 71.80, 70.78, 69.89 and 71.36 respectively.

The rankings of the four major regions have not changed from the previous quarter, and the reform enthusiasm index has increased, with the Northeast region improving the most.

  Judging from the reform enthusiasm of 31 provinces and municipalities, Jiangsu Province has ranked first in the reform enthusiasm index of each province for four consecutive quarters.

In the fourth quarter of 2023, Jiangsu's reform enthusiasm was 74.64, Inner Mongolia was 73.65, Tianjin was 73.58, Chongqing was 73.15, and Shanghai was 73.01, ranking among the top five provinces.
