China News Service, Changchun, January 19 (Gao Long'an) In the laboratory of Changchun Jinsai Pharmaceutical, various precision instruments are working quietly. The scientific researchers on the side quickly analyze the data flashing on the screen. Every experiment is a Accelerate the development of new drugs.

  This company developed China's first recombinant human growth hormone powder for injection in 1998, and successfully launched the world's first long-acting recombinant human growth hormone in 2014.

In recent years, the company has built a new technology platform to promote the research and development of innovative products. In 2023 alone, Kinsey Pharmaceuticals' application for clinical trials of gennazumab for injection and supplementation application for topical human granulocyte macrophage stimulating factor gel were approved. .

The relevant person in charge said that as the company enters the fast lane of development, annual revenue exceeds 10 billion yuan, and R&D investment will account for 17% of revenue in 2023.

The pharmaceutical production workshop of Kinsey Pharmaceuticals.

(File photo) Photo provided by Kinsey Pharmaceuticals

  Jinsai Pharmaceutical is an epitome of the rapid development of the pharmaceutical industry in Changchun City.

  In 2023, Changchun City proposed the overall deployment of a modern industrial system of "3 Transformations, 4 Strong, and 7 New". Among them, the biomedicine and life health industry are defined as one of the "four strategic emerging industries", high-end medical equipment and innovation Pharmaceuticals are defined as one of the “7 new track industries”.

  Changchun Biopharmaceuticals is in a leading position in the country

  "Changchun has built Asia's largest vaccine and cytokine product production base and China's largest genetic drug production base." Jiang Yu, deputy director of the Changchun Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said that Changchun's biopharmaceutical level is currently in a leading position in the country.

  Changchun City has a long history of developing the pharmaceutical industry and has many advantages in terms of “hardware conditions” and industry.

  Historically, Changchun City is one of the birthplaces of China's biopharmaceutical industry and one of the first three bio-industry bases (Changchun, Shenzhen, Shijiazhuang) recognized by the country. It has successively built China's first interferon pilot plant. The base, the first industrialized production base for genetically engineered hepatitis B vaccines, developed and produced my country's first whole-virus influenza vaccine, the first live attenuated chickenpox vaccine, the first recombinant human growth hormone and other products.

  From the perspective of "hardware conditions", Changchun has many "national teams" such as the Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, as well as a number of key universities such as Jilin University, Northeast Normal University, and Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Changchun Biological Products The biosafety level three laboratory of the institute is the only non-public welfare P3 laboratory with enterprises as the main body in the three northeastern provinces.

Pharmaceutical company production personnel control pharmaceutical equipment.

(File photo) Photo provided by Kinsey Pharmaceuticals

  From an industrial point of view, Changchun City currently has a large number of well-known enterprises such as Kinsey, Baike, and Changchun Biological Products Research Institute, as well as a number of well-known trademarks such as Gankang and Xiuxian.

In 2023, Changchun’s pharmaceutical industry will make new breakthroughs.

  From the following "major events" we can get a glimpse of the considerable development that Changchun pharmaceutical companies have achieved over the past year:

  In January 2023, the "Nd:YAG picosecond laser treatment machine" applied by Keying Laser was successfully approved for marketing by the State Food and Drug Administration. This is the first domestic femtosecond laser treatment product approved by the State Food and Drug Administration for marketing;

  In June 2023, 100 grams of live attenuated herpes zoster vaccine will be officially launched;

  In August 2023, Changchun Institute of Biological Products, China’s first quadrivalent influenza virus subunit vaccine based on serum-free suspended MDCK cell matrix, was approved for clinical use;

  In October 2023, Changchun Institute of Biological Products’ split influenza virus vaccine passed WHO pre-certification...

  Scientifically lay out industries and take the path of characteristic development

  As major cities across the country have proposed increasing investment and construction in the pharmaceutical industry in recent years, how Changchun City's pharmaceutical industry can find a unique development path has become a new topic.

  Zhao Mingrui, director of the Changchun Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, said that scientifically optimizing the development layout of the city's biomedicine and life and health industries is the best solution to this problem.

"Currently, Changchun City is accelerating the construction of a 'one core, one center, three poles and multiple parks' spatial layout, and is striving to achieve collaborative, orderly and differentiated development."

  The “one core” mentioned here refers to Changchun Yongchun International Biomedical City; the “one core” refers to the national regional medical center; and the “three poles” refer to the Economic Development Zone, China-Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone, Jingyue High-tech Zone; "Multiple Parks" refers to the promotion of multiple characteristic medical parks such as Jilin Medical Equipment Industrial Park, Jiutai Traditional Chinese Medicine Industrial Park, and Venture Capital High-tech Industrial Park.

A bird's eye view of Beiyangyuan, China-Korea (Changchun) International Cooperation Demonstration Zone.

(File photo) Photo provided by Changchun Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology

  In terms of policy, Changchun City benchmarked Shanghai, Hangzhou, Hengqin and other regions with developed medical and health industries to study and formulate the "Several Measures of Changchun City's Three-Year Rapid Breakthrough Action Plan to Support the Medical and Health Industry" "Golden 7", and will invest funds every year Support the construction of major projects, support the research and development and production of new drugs, support platform construction, and support the gathering of high-end talents.

Not long ago, Jilin Province issued the "Implementation Plan on Creating a New Track for the Biomedicine and High-end Medical Device Industry in Jilin Province", proposing to create a new track for the biomedicine and high-end medical device industry to add new momentum to the high-quality development of Changchun's pharmaceutical industry. .

  Implement "Eight Major Projects" to build a modern biomedical city

  Changchun City has planned a longer-term development goal for the pharmaceutical industry - to build Yongchun Modern Biomedicine City. By 2025, the biomedicine and life health industries will achieve "Double Ten, Double Hundred, Double Thousand".

  "Double Ten" refers to the introduction of more than 10 new "chain master" companies in biomedicine and life health, and the number of listed biomedicine and life health companies in the city reaches more than 10; "Double Hundred" means the number of listed biomedicine and life health companies in the city reaches 100 There are more than 100 "specialized and new" biomedicine and life health enterprises in the city; "Double Thousand" means that the output value of the city's biomedicine and life health industry has reached more than 100 billion yuan, and the number of biomedicine and life health enterprises in the city has reached 1,000. household or above.

  Zhao Mingrui said that in order to achieve this goal, Changchun City proposed and implemented "eight major projects" including the biological drug quality improvement and upgrading project, the traditional Chinese medicine development and expansion project, the chemical drug development and expansion project, the medical device development and expansion project, and the medical and health service industry development and expansion project. .

  Expand existing stock, cultivate new volume, and attract incremental growth.

In 2023, Changchun will build 63 biomedicine and life health industry projects with a total investment of more than 50 million yuan, with a total investment of 42 billion yuan; 28 new projects, with a total investment of 15 billion yuan; and 35 continued projects, with a total investment of 27 billion yuan. , various values ​​set a record high in Changchun City’s pharmaceutical industry construction, and the biomedicine and life health industries will become a new growth pole for the revitalization of Changchun City.
