, Hangzhou, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- Zhejiang Rural Observation: New villagers and fossils have become acquainted with each other, broadening the road of rural cultural tourism and common prosperity

Author: Wang inscription, Yu Xinxing

Recently, a 2023 Fossil Symposium with the theme of "Fossil Conservation and Popular Science Research" was held in Jiande City, Zhejiang. The seminar attracted more than 80 experts and scholars from more than 150 units to gather in Jiande, making the conference the largest in terms of size and scale.

After the seminar, experts and scholars walked into the geological and archaeological research base of Lijia Town, Jiande City for field investigations, and visited the rural fossil museum, stone science museum, stone landscape aesthetics camp and other research bases, setting off a rural tour boom.

Experts and scholars walked into the geological and archaeological research base of Lijia Town, Jiande City for field investigation. Photo courtesy of Lijia Town, Jiande City

It is understood that this event is also a microcosm of Lijia Town's use of new villagers and fossils as a medium to broaden the road of rural cultural tourism and common prosperity.

In recent years, Lijia Town has built a geological and archaeological research base and set up a research and development center for fossil protection and restoration technology, which also provides a broad stage for "rural dreamers" who are willing to operate the countryside and stimulates the "rural dream" of young talents.

Young people return to the countryside with entrepreneurial passion, and a sense of belonging is indispensable. "In order to allow young talents to take root in Lijia Town and start a business with peace of mind, we have launched the appointment system for Xinxiang Sages, held an appointment ceremony for them, and issued a letter of appointment to Xinxiang Sages to further enhance their sense of integration and belonging." Shang Fei, a member of the United Front Work Committee of Lijiazhen, said.

Yao Yizhou, a returned overseas student, was one of the first batch of young villagers who received a letter of appointment from Xinxiangxian. He has a strong interest in the protection and promotion of paleontological culture, and has been thinking about how to transform the unique geological heritage resources into a steady stream of power for village-level development.

Experts and scholars look at fossils through a microscope. Photo courtesy of Lijia Town, Jiande City

Yao Yizhou gives full play to his professional advantages, relying on the rich geological relics resources of Lijia Town to develop a research industry integrating "geology + cultural tourism", and has developed more than 20 high-quality courses. Since the beginning of this year, a total of more than 8600,600 research teams from inside and outside Zhejiang Province have been received, more than 50 people in the surrounding areas have been employed, and the village collective economy has increased by more than <> yuan (RMB, the same below).

Although Lijiazhen has produced a lot of achievements in the cultural and tourism industry relying on geological heritage resources, how to maintain the advantages of the research industry while relying on fossils to derive various new forms of business is a difficult problem that Yao Yizhou's team needs to overcome in the future.

"The team is mainly responsible for the management of research bases, marketing, curriculum development, and cultural and creative product design, publicity and sales, etc., to drive the development of the fossil industry." Yao Yizhou said. Especially after the launch of fossil cultural and creative products, they are deeply loved by children because of their particularity, which makes the village-level income jump directly. At present, the team is still developing and improving high-quality courses to guide students to gain knowledge through interactive experience and scientific decryption, and create an immersive "natural resources classroom".

"We attract the leading team of Xinxiangxian to professionally operate the research industry, continue to do articles on Shenxiangxian, develop natural heritage research through various forces, and broaden the road of cultural tourism and common prosperity." He Hongyu, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lijia Town, said.

It is worth mentioning that since the beginning of this year, Lijia Town has continued to deepen the two articles of "I do practical things for my hometown and I serve the villagers", and attracted more than 130 villagers to claim the township practical projects by issuing new township sages and building township sage studios, actively participating in industrial development, people's livelihood and public welfare, medical education, volunteer service, publicity and promotion and other fields, maximizing the leading and exemplary role of township sages, and helping the countryside to achieve common prosperity.

In the future, Lijia Town will continue to publish heroic posts, with the natural resources of Lijia Town as the topic, invite heroes to come to answer questions, and actively cultivate local talents such as docents, research tutors, fossil restoration craftsmen, etc., and promote rural revitalization of cultural and tourism resources to help achieve common prosperity. (ENDS)