, Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Song Yusheng) The first China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo will be held in Beijing from November 24 to December 11.

As the organizer of the first Chain Expo, Zhang Shaogang, vice president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, pointed out in an interview with the media on the 24th that China's economic development has been deeply integrated with the world economy today. As a responsible major country, China is not only the beneficiary and maintainer of the integrated development of the global supply chain, but also the explorer and builder of the new ecology of the global supply chain, and plays a pivotal role in the global manufacturing and supply chain system.

Zhang Shaogang said that the holding of the Chain Expo reflects the initiative of China's industrial and commercial community to maintain the stability and smoothness of the industrial chain and supply chain. This is the world's first national-level exhibition with the theme of supply chain, which has been widely recognized and responded positively by the international community. At present, all preparatory work is basically in place.

The reporter learned that the opening ceremony of the first chain expo and the global supply chain innovation and development forum will be held on the morning of November 11, with more than 28,1000 representatives of Chinese and foreign government departments, business circles, relevant international organizations, experts and scholars attending the meeting. Before the meeting, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) had extensive and in-depth exchanges with the participating business representatives to form the "Beijing Initiative on Global Industrial and Supply Chain Interconnection", which will be officially released at the meeting, contributing China's wisdom to the stability and smoothness of the global supply chain. The first Chain Expo will also hold 6 thematic forums to provide suggestions and suggestions for maintaining the stability and smoothness of the global industrial chain and supply chain.

Zhang Shaogang used four "4s" to introduce the characteristics and highlights of the first Chain Expo.

The first "4" refers to the four major positions of the first Chain Expo. That is, we are committed to creating a new window for promoting high-level opening up, a new platform for serving the construction of a new development pattern, a new carrier for promoting the construction of an open world economy, and a new practice for practicing the concept of a community with a shared future for mankind.

The second "4" refers to the four major functions of the first Chain Expo. The first is a trade promotion platform. The exhibition is an important means and carrier platform for enterprises to obtain new orders, while displaying new products, new technologies and new services of world-renowned enterprises, it will also organize a series of business negotiations, supply and demand docking, on-site procurement and other activities to help suppliers and buyers from all over the world establish cooperative relations and reach cooperation intentions. The second is the investment cooperation platform. The main indicator to test the actual effect of the Chain Expo is not simply the turnover, but also pays more attention to the supply chain cooperation of enterprises. CCPIT will jointly organize a series of activities with relevant local governments and foreign business associations to jointly build a global platform for investment promotion and resource aggregation. The third is a platform for innovation agglomeration. The Chain Expo will bring together the most representative and distinctive enterprises in the industrial chain, display the most cutting-edge scientific and technological achievements and cutting-edge technologies, and will effectively promote the deep integration of the innovation chain industrial chain. Fourth, it is a platform for learning and exchange. The first Chain Expo will hold 1 sub-forums and a series of supporting activities around the five major chains and 6 supply chain service exhibition area, and 6 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, more than 90 heads of well-known Chinese and foreign enterprises and representatives of international organizations and other institutions will contribute "Chain Bo Wisdom" at the special forum.

The third "4" refers to the four major characteristics of the first Chain Expo. First, the upstream, midstream and downstream convergence. The first Chain Expo vertically displayed the advanced technologies and products and future development trends of each link of each chain, and horizontally displayed services such as finance, logistics and platform enterprises. The second is the integration of large and medium-sized enterprises. 53 Fortune 500 companies, 57 Fortune 500 Chinese companies, 25 Fortune 500 private enterprises and a large number of "specialized, special and new" and "hidden champion" enterprises participated in the exhibition to jointly tell the story of Sino-foreign supply chain cooperation. The third is the synergy between production, education, research and application. The first Chain Expo not only invited Chinese and foreign enterprises to participate in the exhibition, but also opened to scientific research institutes and universities. Well-known entrepreneurs, experts and scholars from various chains will gather together to discuss cutting-edge technologies and future trends, and promote the implementation of innovative achievements. Fourth, the interaction between Chinese and foreign enterprises. Build a cooperation platform between various entities in the global related industrial chain.

The fourth "4" refers to the four highlights of the first Chain Expo. First, it is groundbreaking. The first Chain Expo paid more attention to making a fuss on the "chain" in the concept of holding the exhibition, paid more attention to the exhibition products to the exhibition chain and then to the exhibition ecology in the way of holding the exhibition, and paid more attention to long-term cooperation and common development in the effectiveness of the exhibition, creating a new mode of organizing the exhibition. The second is internationalization. International exhibitors accounted for 26%, of which American and European companies accounted for the most, accounting for 36% of the total number of international exhibitors. South Africa, Canada, Japan, Vietnam, the African Union, the League of Arab States, Portuguese-speaking countries, Latin American and Caribbean countries will participate in the exhibition in the form of national and regional booths. The third is marketization. Develop a supply and procurement docking system, intelligently search and match the information of exhibitors and buyers according to countries, chains, industries, exhibits, procurement needs, etc., to help enterprises negotiate and dock and develop markets. Fourth, specialization. The exhibition setting reflects specialization, and the five major chains are all areas of general concern to the international business community, with the characteristics of long industrial chain, strong foundation and high leadership. The exhibition method reflects specialization, and the whole chain is a panoramic three-dimensional display of the supply chain ecology. (ENDS)