The "Housekeeping Credit Check" applet is newly launched to ensure the two-way right to choose——

"It's easy to find the right housekeeping aunt"

Reporter Liu Bing

Recently, the "Housekeeping Credit Check" applet led by the Ministry of Commerce has been launched. This mini-program has become an important part of the national government service credit information platform. The program will support domestic service enterprises to establish credit records for domestic helpers, carry out verification and verification of professional background information, and at the same time, provide consumers with free credit information inquiry services for domestic service enterprises and domestic helpers. Up to now, the platform has collected more than 2,1500 domestic enterprises and more than 2,<>,<> credit information of domestic servants; On the waiter's side, the number of visitors has exceeded <> million.

It is reported that domestic helpers can inquire about the information of the national vocational skill level certificate they have obtained through the small program, and include it in their personal credit records to show consumers. The Mini Program also adds a skill training module function, providing more than 800 hours of free video training courses in maternal and infant care, infant care, elderly care, nutritional catering, etc., and can obtain training certificates and be included in credit information records after passing the assessment.

Sun Xiuying, a housekeeping company in Beijing, told reporters: "This system is more convenient for us. My personal credit is not flawed, it can be displayed on the program, and the customer is at ease when looking for it, and it is easy to communicate and build a relationship of mutual trust. ”

Consumers can directly search for "housekeeping credit check" on the homepage of WeChat and Alipay to obtain the credit inquiry service of housekeeping attendants. For consumers, they can check their personal credit records with the authorization of domestic helpers, including the results of criminal background checks, employment, training, health and insurance, as well as information such as the national vocational skill level certificate they have obtained, which will help protect consumers' right to know and further smooth the connection between supply and demand of housekeeping.

The reporter saw on the consumer side of the "housekeeping credit check" that enterprises and housekeeping service personnel could be queried. Among them, the search enterprise only needs to enter the enterprise name, the region where it is located, the unified social credit code and other information to see the corresponding domestic enterprise. After logging in, you can also query the service personnel, once you find the favorite waiter, the other party can query the relevant specific information through the operation. When the housekeeper comes to the service, after being authorized and confirmed, the complete credit information of the waiter can be viewed, so as to realize informed consumption and rest assured employment.

Ms. Fan, who lives in Haidian District, Beijing, recently contacted her favorite waiter through the "Housekeeping Credit Check" applet. She told reporters, "Now it's easy to find the housekeeping aunt you like!" In the past, the most difficult point in finding an aunt was that I often knew people but didn't know my heart, and if I was unlucky, I could only admit bad luck. ”

Ms. Fan believes that there are only a limited number of domestic workers recommended by friends or acquaintances, and most of the time they have to be found through domestic service companies or intermediaries. In order to facilitate orders as soon as possible and earn referral fees, most intermediaries will always pick and choose the right ones, but consumers cannot understand relatively comprehensive and accurate information. "Domestic service is not like any other job, and the worker and the employer need to build a relationship of high trust and treat each other with sincerity. If you don't know the more detailed personal information and qualifications of the other party, the sense of trust will be reduced, and to some extent, some avoidable friction will be added to the housekeeping service. ”

Xiong Chao, a lawyer at Beijing Jingshi Law Firm, told reporters that the market demand for the domestic service industry in big cities is increasing day by day, but due to the information asymmetry between consumers and service personnel, there have been shortcomings in the standardization of the industry, and related litigation is increasing in many regions. In this context, "housekeeping credit check" can effectively solve the problem of information asymmetry, "it can not only effectively alleviate the service risk caused by information asymmetry, but also block some personnel who do not meet the qualifications and have defects."

According to Yao Sheng, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, the online system protects consumers' right to know, the privacy of service personnel and the two-way choice of service, which is conducive to promoting the better and healthy development of the housekeeping industry. "Those housekeeping enterprises with standardized management, good personal credit and reputation, and high service quality service personnel, can get more market opportunities, more and more waiter orders, and the company's business is getting better and better; Conversely, domestic service workers with flawed personal credit will be shunned. In this way, domestic workers can be encouraged to continuously standardize service behavior, improve service quality, and create excellent service brands. ”

However, Yao Sheng also believes that with this mini program, everything is not all right, and in order for this platform to continue to work, it is extremely important to ensure that the information entered is accurate. Domestic helpers are required to provide truthful and complete personal information to ensure that there is no fraud. Domestic enterprises should strictly implement the relevant requirements, strictly control the review information, add fraudulent practitioners to the blacklist, and have channels to report. "Making up for shortcomings and establishing credit records is only the first step, and the next step is to continuously improve the system and norms, dredge blockages and resolve difficulties in development." Yao Sheng said.

Industry insiders suggested that in order to promote the real quality and expansion of the housekeeping industry and give full play to the role of this procedure, relevant functional departments must strengthen supervision, track the information of relevant personnel in a timely manner through technical means and strictly verify it. At the same time, the relevant penalties will be further improved, and unruly domestic enterprises and domestic servants will be severely dealt with. (Workers' Daily)