On November 11, Chen Minjun, CEO of Tianjin Sunhope, was awarded the title of "Industrial Investment Ambassador" by the Administrative Committee of Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone, in recognition of his use of his own resource advantages to assist Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone in attracting investment, integrating high-quality resources at home and abroad, allowing more investment projects to settle in Tianjin, and more high-end talents to gather in Tianjin.

Tianjin Sunhope Company has been in China for 30 years, always based in Tianjin, rooted in Binhai, Chen Minjun regards Tianjin as his second hometown. In recent years, Chen Minjun has actively assisted Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone to broaden the "circle of friends" and attract the "Golden Phoenix". Under her continuous coordination, Tianjin Sunhope Company was used as the hub to assist Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone in introducing nearly <> entrepreneurs and nearly <> business resources from the United States, South Korea, Taiwan and other places, and built docking channels through online communication and offline exchanges, so as to help regional industrial development and promote economic synergy.

Chen Minjun said: "This title is an encouragement and a responsibility for me, Sunhope grew up in Tianjin, and has always been committed to giving full play to its own advantages and contributing to Tianjin's economic development. We will continue to work hard to attract more high-quality resources by building a broader business cooperation platform, helping Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone to create a high-quality business environment, attracting more outstanding enterprises to settle in, and promoting the industrial development of Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone and the whole of Tianjin. ”

The Management Committee of Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone awarded Chen Minjun an honorary letter of appointment as "Industrial Investment Ambassador".

After 30 years of development, Sunhope has a certain influence in all aspects, and has accumulated extensive resources at home and abroad, while developing, it continues to actively fulfill its social responsibilities and give back to the society in various ways. Chen Minjun won the title of "Industrial Investment Ambassador" this time, which reflects Sunhope's determination and strength to help the high-quality development of society. As a foreign-funded enterprise, Sunhope has a better understanding of the needs of regional economic investment promotion, not only to go out and bring in, but also to have a "circle of friends" and "promoter", Sunhope hopes to play its own radiation and driving role, and be a good "propagandist" of Tianjin Binhai High-tech Zone's investment promotion policy and "matchmaker" for project landing. Chen Minjun said that in the future, he will bring back good experience, good practices and good resources from all over the world, actively play the role of a bridge, attract investment with business, match high-quality projects, and further play the role of "industrial investment ambassador", promote Tianjin to the world, and work together with all sectors of Tianjin society to contribute to Tianjin's economic development.