More than 170 new pilot initiatives have been launched

Beijing's efforts to improve the level of openness and innovation in the service industry (authoritative release)

Reporter Ouyang Jie

Recently, the State Council approved the "Work Plan for Supporting Beijing to Deepen the Construction of a Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for the Expansion and Opening-up of the National Service Industry" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan"). On November 11, the Information Office of the State Council held a press conference to introduce the relevant situation of Beijing in deepening the construction of a comprehensive demonstration zone for the expansion and opening up of the national service industry in combination with the plan.

Ling Ji, Vice Minister of Commerce and Deputy Representative of International Trade Negotiations, introduced that the "Work Plan" focuses on deepening the construction of the demonstration zone from four directions:

Iteratively upgrade pilot tasks. We have further promoted innovation and exploration, deepened trade and investment cooperation in the service sector, and launched more than 170 new pilot measures, with a significant increase in the number of new pilot measures, and a significant increase in the level of openness and innovation.

Take the initiative to connect with international high-standard economic and trade rules. Focusing on institutional opening-up, we will give full play to the advantages of the demonstration zone's large scope, complete industries, and large number of samples, classify and sort out and orderly align with the rules of the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement (DEPA), and the relevant docking measures have reached 70, accounting for 40% of the entire pilot task.

Serve the construction of a modern industrial system. Focusing on important areas such as telecommunications, health care, finance, culture and education, and professional services, we will deepen the reform and opening up of the whole chain and all links, and optimize the overall ecology of industrial development.

Promote the deep integration of development and security. We will build an efficient and coordinated supervision system for the service industry, improve safety and security measures in key areas, and improve risk prevention and control capabilities to ensure industrial safety.

In 2020, Beijing became the only national comprehensive demonstration zone for the expansion and opening up of the service industry in China. After three years of hard work, the China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone (National Comprehensive Demonstration Zone for the Expansion and Opening-up of the Service Industry) focuses on modern service industries such as science and technology, telecommunications, and culture, and has implemented more than 120 pilot measures with high gold content. From September 2020 to September this year, the demonstration zone has absorbed a total of US$9.9 billion of foreign investment in the service industry, accounting for 457.5% of the total foreign investment in the national service industry. In the first half of this year, the added value of the service industry accounted for 11.2 percent of Beijing's GDP. At the same time, the demonstration zone conforms to the trend of digital and intelligent transformation of the service industry, focuses on cutting-edge hot issues such as financial industry innovation, key core technology research and development, and people's livelihood services, and forms three batches of more than 85 innovative achievements, which are replicated and promoted across the country.

"The work plan puts forward a series of open innovation policies and measures around six aspects, including deepening reform and expanding opening-up in key areas of the service industry, and focusing on the rules and norms of emerging business formats." Sima Hong, deputy mayor of Beijing, introduced, "Beijing will go all out to do a good job in the implementation of the program and policy, refine and decompose the tasks one by one in the form of a list, further clarify the timetable and roadmap, and introduce a number of implementation rules to start and promote a number of pilot tasks." ”

The Work Plan focuses on the digital economy, green finance, intellectual property rights and other fields, and explores the alignment of international high-standard economic and trade rules in customs supervision, financial services, cross-border data flow, entry and exit of business personnel, and government procurement. At the same time, more attention is paid to effectively responding to the demands of business entities. More than half of the measures in the plan come directly from the demands of business entities.

"In the past three years, Beijing has taken the lead in expanding the opening up of the service industry, facilitating trade in services, and optimizing the business environment of the open economy, implemented nearly 50 national initiatives, implemented more than 70 national landmark projects, built more than 90 functional service platforms, formed more than 50 institutional and mechanism innovations, and took the lead in exploring the industrial opening model led by the service industry, and actively served and integrated into the new development pattern." Sima Hong said.

Intellectual property work is an important area in the construction of the demonstration zone. Zhu Bing, Director General of the Department of Foreign Investment Management of the Ministry of Commerce, introduced that the Work Plan focuses on the construction of an innovative environment and a business environment, strives to open up the whole chain of intellectual property work, improve the comprehensive management system of intellectual property rights, give full play to the value of intellectual property elements, and proposes pilot measures to deepen the reform and opening up in the field of intellectual property.

Since 2015, China has 11 national pilot demonstration provinces and cities for the expansion and opening up of the service industry. Zhu Bing introduced that in the past 8 years, the pilot demonstration provinces and cities have launched 7 rounds of 15 pilot programs and more than 1300,13 pilot tasks, successively promoted the opening of 190 key industries such as science and technology, telecommunications, cultural tourism, and finance, and cultivated a variety of new models and new formats such as digital economy and green circular economy. According to local practice, more than 9 innovative achievements have been refined and formed in pilot demonstration provinces and cities, and have been promoted to the whole country for <> times.

At present, the pilot demonstration has achieved remarkable results, and the leading role of opening up is becoming increasingly prominent. In the first three quarters of this year, the added value of the service industry in 11 pilot demonstration provinces and cities reached 13.2 trillion yuan, accounting for 69.7% of the local GDP; The actual use of foreign investment in the service industry was 508.5 billion US dollars, accounting for 55.6% of the national investment in the service industry; The high-tech service industry accounted for 43% of the actual use of foreign investment in the local service industry, 4.5 percentage points higher than that of the whole country. (People's Daily)