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As a rule, anything but leisurely on the road: postmen of the Deutsche Post

Photo: Sebastian Kahnert / DPA

According to a legislative proposal by the Federal Ministry of Economics, Swiss Post is to be given more time to transport letters. Until now, it has had to deliver at least 80 percent of letters on the following working day. This quota is to be abolished. In the future, the requirement will only apply to the third working day after posting – by which time 95 percent of the consignments should have arrived. On the fourth working day, the proportion of letters that reach the recipient should be 99 percent. As a result of the rule change, the postal group DHL would have less time pressure and could reduce costs.

With this proposal, the ministry takes into account the fact that the speed of letter transport plays a subordinate role for many consumers in the digital age. On the other hand, it is important that the letters arrive at all, such as invoices or letters from authorities.

Post machines instead of branches – and labelling of heavy parcels

As a so-called universal service provider that has to deliver letters everywhere in Germany, the Bonn-based company is obliged to maintain at least 12,000 branches, including in larger villages. In most cases, kiosks, supermarkets and other retailers perform this function. Such an obligation to be present in the area is to continue in the future. However, in certain cases, Swiss Post can also set up vending machines and count them towards the obligation to be present. To do so, it is dependent on the approval of the Federal Network Agency.

After the amendment to the law, which could be completed in spring 2024, the Bonn authority is to be given more opportunities for an effective supervisory function. The proposed law stipulates that, unlike in the past, the network agency may impose penalties and fines on the universal service provider.

In addition, the ministry makes the suggestion that heavy parcels must be labelled so that parcel carriers do not misjudge when unloading and get back problems if the load is too heavy. The trade union Ver.di had campaigned for a similar rule.
