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IMF chief Georgieva: "We are not talking about trivial investments here"

Photo: Britta Pedersen / dpa

The head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Kristalina Georgieva, calls on Germany to invest. "To ensure growth, Germany must invest in its infrastructure, the green transformation of its economy and the skills of its population," Georgieva said in an interview with Handelsblatt and three other newspapers. We're not talking about trivial investments here – especially because the next step is economic adaptation to artificial intelligence."

Georgieva called on Italy to take tougher measures against the deficit and debt. The budget in its current form must be tightened, she was quoted as saying by the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. The country's financial adjustments would not take effect quickly enough to reduce the deficit and debt.

Georgieva also expressed concern that the global economy as a whole will grow slowly for the foreseeable future. Particularly weak growth is to be expected for Europe, which must now resolutely push ahead with structural reforms, she said, according to the »Handelsblatt«. In addition, the Capital Markets Union in the EU must be completed. "It will be impossible for Europe to maintain its position in the world if it does not make better use of its financial values."
