China will host the world's first national-level exhibition on the theme of supply chain——

Contribute to the stability and smoothness of the supply chain

Reporter Li Jie

In order to deepen international cooperation in industrial and supply chains, China will hold the first China International Supply Chain Promotion Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Chain Expo"). This is the world's first national-level exhibition with the theme of supply chain, which will focus on promoting global industrial and supply chain cooperation and promoting the healthy development of economic globalization.

The reporter learned from the press conference on the preparations for the first chain expo held on November 11 that the first chain expo with the theme of "linking the world and creating a better future" will be held in Beijing from November 21 to December 11, vertically displaying advanced technology products and future development trends in each link of the chain, and horizontally displaying services such as finance, logistics and platform enterprises to help upstream, midstream and downstream industries cooperate and develop together. Exhibitors include 28 Fortune 12 companies, 2 Fortune 53 Chinese companies, and a large number of "specialized, special and new" and "hidden champion" enterprises. The first Chain Expo was hosted by the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and undertaken by China International Exhibition Center Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

"We deeply feel that the industrial chain and supply chain are becoming a hot topic and focus of great concern to the international community. At this year's APEC Business Leaders Summit, 90% of the speakers mentioned industrial and supply chain issues. Zhang Shaogang, vice president of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said.

Lin Shunjie, chairman of China International Exhibition Center Group Co., Ltd., said that there are now three supply chain center clusters from a global perspective, namely North America led by the United States, Europe led by Germany, and Asia led by China, Japan and South Korea. In the upcoming first Chain Expo, American exhibitors account for 20% of the total number of overseas exhibitors. A large number of "Belt and Road" countries are in the upstream of the international supply chain, providing raw materials and primary products to supply chain center countries, and these countries are also full of expectations for the holding of the Chain Expo.

What is China's contribution to stabilizing global industrial and supply chains?

"China's economic development has been deeply integrated with the world economy today." Wu Shengrong, director of the exhibition department of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, said that as a responsible major country, China is not only the beneficiary and maintainer of the integrated development of the global supply chain, but also the explorer and builder of the new ecology of the global supply chain, and plays a pivotal role in the global manufacturing and supply chain system.

-- Continue to improve the industrial system and support the operation of global industrial and supply chains. China is the only country in the world that has all the industrial categories in the United Nations Industrial Classification, the added value of the manufacturing industry accounts for nearly 30% of the global manufacturing added value, and the scale of the manufacturing industry ranks first in the world for 13 consecutive years.

——Based on the scale of the super-large market, promote the stability of the global industrial chain and supply chain. China is a major trading partner of more than 140 countries and regions, and has been the world's second largest importer for 14 consecutive years. More than ninety percent of foreign-funded enterprises in China are mainly oriented to the Chinese market. Since the beginning of this year, the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade has received hundreds of senior executives of multinational companies to visit China, and everyone generally expressed optimism about the Chinese market and related enterprises will increase investment in China.

– Promoting international cooperation on the Belt and Road Initiative and expanding the space for global industrial and supply chains. Over the past 10 years, Chinese enterprises have carried out a series of industrial investment and cooperation projects in the co-construction countries, covering agriculture, energy, infrastructure, digital economy, new energy vehicles and other industries, effectively promoting the upgrading of industrial structures and the optimization of industrial chains in various countries.

"Many enterprises have expressed that they will take practical actions to deepen cooperation in the industrial chain and supply chain, and contribute to maintaining the stability and smoothness of the global industrial and supply chain." Wu Shengrong said. (People's Daily Overseas Edition)