China News Service, Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Zhao Jianhua) This year, China has continued and optimized a number of preferential tax policies, and small and medium-sized enterprises, including "specialized, special and new", have become the main beneficiaries.

In recent years, from the central to the local level, China is actively cultivating "specialized, special and new" enterprises. According to data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, a total of 10,3 "specialized, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprises and 1,2 "little giant" enterprises have been cultivated.

Behind the above data, it is inseparable from the support of preferential tax policies. According to data released by the State Administration of Taxation, in the first eight months of this year, the country's new tax and fee reductions and tax refunds and deferrals exceeded 8.1 trillion yuan (RMB, the same below), including "specialized, special and new", small and medium-sized enterprises are the main beneficiaries.

Innovation is the soul of "specialized, special and new" enterprises, but R&D is very "money-burning", fortunately supported by preferential tax policies. In Shanghai, Gao Yuguang, the founder of a company engaged in robotic automation processes, introduced that in recent years, the national R&D expense deduction policy has been expanding, and the company has benefited a lot: in 2019, it enjoyed an additional deduction of 257.2022 million yuan for R&D expenses, and since then, it has steadily increased year by year, exceeding 240 million yuan in <>, with an average annual growth rate of nearly <>%.

Across the country, the scale of tax cuts is even larger. Luo Tianshu, chief accountant of the State Administration of Taxation, said that in the five years from 2018 to 2022, the average annual increase in the amount of preferential tax policies to support scientific and technological innovation reached 28.8%, and the scale of burden reduction in 2022 reached 1.3 trillion yuan, which effectively stimulated the momentum of social innovation and development. During this period, the average annual growth rate of R&D expenditure of enterprises was 25.1 percent, the number of tax-related business entities in high-tech industries increased by 9.1 percent per year, and the sales revenue of high-tech industries increased by 16.1 percent per year.

Li Xuhong, vice president of Beijing National Accounting Institute, analyzed that tax cuts and fee reductions have helped many small, medium and micro enterprises tide over the difficulties, and many small and medium-sized enterprises have taken the opportunity to develop and grow, and some have also developed into the backbone of "specialization, refinement, and innovation". This year, we will continue to continue and optimize the implementation of preferential tax policies, maintain the continuity and stability of policies, further stabilize enterprise expectations, and enhance enterprise development confidence. During this period, the intensity of spending on scientific and technological innovation has been increasing, encouraging enterprises to increase R&D investment and injecting momentum into high-quality economic development.

What Li Xuhong said has long been verified. Continuous R&D investment has finally led to breakthroughs in technology and products. In the field of hydrogen fuel cells, Cheng Wei, deputy general manager of Shanghai Hydrogen Technology Co., Ltd., which has made innovative breakthroughs, said, "The country's preferential tax policies for science and technology enterprises are increasing, and in the first half of this year, Hydrogen E&D Technology enjoyed an additional deduction of more than 10 million yuan. This allows us to unload our burdens, upgrade new technologies, and develop new products. ”

In Shenzhen, where "little giant" enterprises gather, preferential tax policies are also actively exerting force. A company called Shenzhen Keanda Electronic Technology holds more than 120 patented technologies. Guo Fengming, chairman of the company, said that since 2022, high-tech enterprises have enjoyed the preferential policy of corporate income tax at a reduced rate of 15%, with a tax reduction of about 1296.100 million yuan; Enjoy the preferential policy of 787% additional deduction of R&D expenses, with a tax reduction of about <>.<> million yuan, which provides benefits for enterprises to further accelerate innovative research and product iteration.

Li Xuhong believes that whether it is Shanghai, Shenzhen, or other parts of the country, the successive introduction of "specialized, special and new" enterprise tax support policies are conducive to helping them develop and grow, and it is of great significance for the country to adapt to economic restructuring and save more momentum in the stage of high-quality development. (ENDS)