, November 11 (Zhongxin Finance Gong Hongyu) Founded in 24 by LVMH, the world's largest luxury goods group, CHA LING is a French luxury skin care brand drawn from the ancient tea trees of Jingmai Mountain in Yunnan, China.

Since its birth, Chaling has formed an indissoluble bond with China. Recently, Shen Anqi, general manager of CHA LING Greater China brand, said in an exclusive interview with China News Finance that China has always been an indispensable part of the life of the Chaling brand.

"Skincare products made from Pu'er tea"

Jingmai Mountain is the hometown of thousands of acres of Pu'er tea. Jingmai Mountain, with its unique landscape and lush vegetation, once attracted the attention of many biologists. To reconcile environmental protection and economic efficiency, LVMH's Laurent Boillot created Cha Ling, whose star ingredient is a breakthrough ingredient extracted from the rare ancient Pu'er tea tree.

For Cha Ling, Chinese tea culture is the source of the brand's materials and inspiration. Shen Anqi said that China is very important to the Chaling brand, and it can be said that Chaling itself is a "Chinese-French mixed brand".

Shen Anqi introduced that in the second year of the brand's establishment, Chaling entered the Chinese market. The Chinese market has played a great role in the development of Chaling. Chaling has now sunk to 97 cities through the Sephora platform, entered more than 350 stores, and reached cooperation with some high-end hotels in China.

"So far, we are very satisfied with the results achieved by Chaling in the Chinese market." Shen Anqi said.

In Angel Shen's view, Chinese consumers are very unique, they have a unique understanding of makeup and skin care products, and they are no longer limited to the pursuit of brand or product efficacy, but more value the additional value provided by products, such as emotional satisfaction.

"This is a good match for Cha Ling, because Cha Ling can give consumers more added value, such as tea culture, intangible cultural heritage protection, etc." Shen Anqi said.

"From the Tea Forest, Returned to the Tea Forest"

In addition to being the source of raw materials and inspiration for Cha Ling, China's tea forests are also the original intention of the establishment of Cha Ling.

Shen Anqi introduced, "Chaling has achieved a sustainable development cycle process: while getting the raw materials of tea trees and tea leaves to make products, and at the same time planting tea trees back to conserve the tea forest. ”

Shen Anqi introduced that since its birth, Cha Ling has signed a 10-year "TEA FOREST PROJECT" to rebuild and conserve 20 hectares of Yunnan rainforest and help restore local biodiversity. In addition, Cha Ling focuses on the sustainable conservation and environmentally friendly organic production of ancient tea trees in the Yunnan Mountains of China, strictly regulates the traceability of raw material sources through sustainable supply contracts, guarantees the income of local tea farmers, and supports the ecological protection of Yunnan's tropical rainforests.

Shen Anqi recalls that after the conservation work of Jingmai Mountain was carried out for a period of time, a red dragonfly that had not been seen in the local area for a long time "returned", which made her full of a sense of accomplishment in the ecological conservation work that Chaling has been involved in for a long time, "My work is not only a job, but also valuable." ”

It is worth mentioning that in September this year, the "Pu'er Jingmaishan Ancient Tea Forest Cultural Landscape" was successfully inscribed on the "World Heritage List", becoming the world's first world heritage site with tea as the theme. In Shen Anqi's view, this is a "milestone" of unique significance for Cha Ling, and it also encourages the brand to continue to cultivate the Chinese market in the future and continue to write the story of "human-tea symbiosis" in China. (ENDS)