The Russian government will allocate more than 89.5 billion rubles from its reserve fund to pay a monthly allowance in connection with the birth and upbringing of a child. The order was signed by the country's Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

"The need for additional funding is associated with an increase in the number of recipients of this support measure. The allocated funds will provide more than 10 million children with a monthly allowance," the Cabinet of Ministers said in a statement.

Recall that the payment is accrued to low-income families for a child from birth to 17 years old and to needy women registered in the early stages of pregnancy. This initiative was launched on January 1, 2023 and combined a number of previously existing social protection measures.

In all regions of Russia, there are uniform rules for the assignment of benefits. The amount of such financial support for families with children depends on the income of the parents and can be 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence minimum (SM) per child. To date, this is about 7 thousand, 10.5 thousand and 13.9 thousand rubles, and from January 1, 2024, the values will increase to 7.5 thousand, 11.2 thousand and 15 thousand rubles, respectively.

So, if after receiving a payment in the amount of 50% of the SM for children, the family income on average per person still does not exceed the subsistence minimum per capita (today it is 14.4 thousand, and from January 1 it will be 15.5 thousand rubles), then the amount of the benefit will be increased to 75%. If this is still not enough, then the amount of payment will be increased to 100% of the subsistence minimum for a child.

It should be noted that the payment can be received for each of the children, regardless of the order of their birth. Moreover, at the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin, the allowance will continue to be accrued throughout the prescribed period, even if the parents' incomes have increased.

In addition to this benefit, families with incomes below two SM per person (in total this is almost 28.8 thousand rubles, and from January 1 it will be about 31 thousand rubles) can apply for a payment in the amount of one subsistence minimum for a child under three years old from the maternity capital. If there are several such children in the family, then you can receive this form of support for each of them, regardless of the order of birth.

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In turn, needy women who registered in the early stages of pregnancy can apply for a single payment in the amount of 50, 75 or 100% of the regional subsistence minimum for the able-bodied population. Now, on average in the country, it is 7.8 thousand, 11.8 thousand and 15.7 thousand rubles, and from January 1, the amounts will increase to 8.4 thousand, 12.6 thousand and 16.8 thousand rubles, respectively.

To apply for a single benefit, you need to submit one application without additional certificates. Russians can do this both electronically through the public services portal and in person by contacting the MFC or the Social Fund of Russia.

In the draft federal budget, the authorities provided more than 1,3 trillion rubles for the payment of a single benefit in 2024. At the same time, in 2025, the volume of funding for the program should exceed 1.4 trillion rubles, and in 2026 - 1.6 trillion rubles.

An established trend

It should be noted that 2024 has been declared the Year of the Family in Russia. The decree on this was signed by Vladimir Putin on November 22. As follows from the document, the resolution was adopted "in order to popularize state policy in the field of family protection, preservation of traditional family values."

"Supporting mothers and children, improving the demographic situation, and ensuring a decent standard and quality of life for Russian families are among the key strategic priorities. After all, the family is the basis of the foundations," TASS quoted Vladimir Putin as saying.


According to the government, 12 million people in Russia today have the right to various child benefits. At the same time, 13 million parents have already received maternity capital: now the state allocates 586.9 thousand rubles for the first child, and 775.6 thousand rubles for the second, but from February 1, 2024, the values will increase to 631 thousand and 833.8 thousand rubles, respectively.

"The fact is that the population in Russia is decreasing, and therefore the authorities are applying a whole range of measures to stimulate the birth rate. This is already a well-established trend that the country's leadership has been following for several years, and it is clear that such support will continue in the foreseeable future," Alexander Abramov, head of the Laboratory for Analysis of Institutions and Financial Markets at the Institute of Applied Economic Research of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, said in an interview with RT.

According to him, families with children always remain one of the most vulnerable categories of citizens. In this regard, the support of parents is included in the list of key areas of Russia's social policy and partly makes it possible to fight poverty. A similar point of view was expressed by Pavel Seagal, First Vice President of the All-Russian Non-Governmental Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses "Opora Russia".

"It is clear that with the birth of a child, people's costs increase and the burden on the family budget significantly increases. Against this background, assistance from the state is very important, both materially and psychologically. The various support measures in force in the country show that the well-being of families is extremely important for the state," the RT interlocutor stressed.