Between questions and answers, consumers are "forced" to place orders

The reporter investigated the "teasing" speech in the live broadcast room

● The words and rhythm of "holding the" are fixed, which can be repeated like a set of combination punches, so as to ensure that consumers who come in whenever they come in can enter the shopping rhythm as soon as possible under the guidance of this set of words

● Anchors and "cheers" need to constantly "report in real time" back and forth, so as to create a perception and psychological feeling to consumers watching the live broadcast that the number of inventory is constantly decreasing

● If there is false data in the behavior of "forcing orders", buying "water army" in the live broadcast room to flush sales, swiping data, etc., it is essentially a fictitious transaction volume, which is equivalent to publishing false information to attract traffic and mislead consumers, and infringe on consumers' right to know and choose

□ reporter Zhao Li

□ Intern of this newspaper Wan Peng

"39 (yuan) want to - don't!" "29 (yuan) is not to give - to force!" "Come, three-two-one - link up!"

In the sell-style live broadcast room, while the anchors are in full swing to bring the goods, shouts such as "on the link" and "yes" are also endless. This kind of "field control" group with goods that drives users to place orders passionately through shouting is called "e-commerce praise", and people who are engaged in this profession are known as "shouting three sentences, and you can earn 8000,<> yuan a month".

Industry insiders believe that the emergence of "e-commerce praise" is a sign of the development of the live broadcast industry, and it is also the embodiment of the detailed division of labor in the live broadcast industry, and its real identity is the anchor assistant, most of whom are e-commerce "central control" personnel, that is, the person who controls the computer console in the live broadcast room, responsible for the planning and equipment preparation before the live broadcast, the operation of the middle and back of the live broadcast and the analysis and review of the data after the live broadcast.

With the increasingly fierce competition in the live broadcast room, the methods adopted by "e-commerce praise" have begun to wander on the edge of the law. For example, the common "forced order", that is, deliberately creating a false atmosphere of tight demand for goods, and "forced" consumers to place orders with words such as "slow hands" and "almost gone".

Experts interviewed by the reporter of the "Rule of Law Daily" believe that the "forced order" behavior behind the "e-commerce promotion" may be suspected of infringing on consumers' right to know and the right to choose, and the relevant departments can strengthen supervision by strengthening credit supervision and training of relevant institutions, and relevant live broadcast e-commerce platforms should also use technical means to do a good job in supervision and purify the live broadcast environment.

Cooperate with the anchor to bring goods live

Guide consumers to place orders quickly

"Today, as long as 499 (yuan) can get on the bus, do you give it a force? (Awesome!) )”

"Ready to get on the baby, little 1 knocks up. (Get ready to get on the bus and hit the little 1!) )”

"How many CALLS are there now? (There are now 1 of them playing small 365!) )”

"How many more links are there for No. 1? (The No. 1 link is the last order, and the No. 1 link is gone!) )”

The above is Li Min (pseudonym), who is engaged in live broadcast and goods in Shandong, shared with reporters the "central control" words in her live broadcast room, as the "central control" of e-commerce, her responsibility is to "output passion" as much as possible in the words in the above brackets.

"These few sentences are said within a minute, and the anchor and the 'central control' go back and forth, so that the rhythm is tight." Li Min told reporters, "For example, I usually shout to the anchor after brushing the barrage, 'There are 10 people who didn't grab it', which is not for the anchor, but for the consumers in front of the screen, the purpose is to create a sense of tension that many people are grabbing, which is the same as the offline bubble tea shop spending money to invite people to queue up." ”

"Doing 'central control' is not as simple as moving your mouth, before the live broadcast, the anchor and 'central control' need to carry out sufficient practice and need to do a lot of preparation." Li Min said that in addition, the "central control" is responsible for the control of the "product", setting up links, preparing lucky bags, etc., and is also responsible for the chores in the live broadcast room.

Jiang Nan (pseudonym), who does "central control" in Hefei, Anhui Province, mentioned that "central control" often has to wear many hats during live broadcasts, replying to barrage questions for a while, sending lucky bags to remind attention for a while, changing prices for a while, and putting them in stock for a while.

In addition to paying attention to the status of the anchor, adjusting the camera, and paying attention to the composition and light of the live broadcast room, in addition to the basic operations such as always paying attention to the status of the anchor, adjusting the camera, and paying attention to the composition and light of the live broadcast room, it is also necessary to understand which product is currently being promoted according to the live broadcast process, and then do a good job in product placement. After the live broadcast ends, you need to review the live broadcast, especially the products that convert well, so as to ensure that the products are promoted in the next live broadcast.

Wang Han (pseudonym), who has been doing "central control" in Beijing for 3 years, said frankly: "We need to preset the questions that fans may ask, and do a good job in the interaction and cooperation between the anchor and the 'central control'." You may not know that after entering the live broadcast room, all the behaviors of consumers are guided. ”

"This kind of work is 'e-commerce support'." Jiang Nan said that the words and rhythm of "holding the" are fixed, which can be repeated like a set of combination punches, ensuring that consumers who come in whenever they can enter the shopping rhythm as soon as possible under the guidance of this set of words.

When the user enters the rhythm according to the settings of the live broadcast room, looks at the product, and listens to the anchor's introduction, it enters the last and most important link - "forcing orders".

Elaborate forced single words

Modify the inventory quantity at the same time

"The No. 1 link is gone, and the assistant counts how many netizens have not grabbed it." "There are 350 netizens who didn't grab it!"

"Let the assistant apply for another wave of welfare inventory for us, do you want to?" "No problem!"

"I won't pay attention to it, the little assistant will teach it." "Sisters who don't know how to pay attention click on the upper left corner to pay attention to the light sign twice, and I'll apply for our welfare inventory."

The purpose of the comings and goings between the above-mentioned anchors and Wang Han is not only to create a warm atmosphere in the live broadcast room and assist in the management of the overall rhythm of the live broadcast room, but also to complete the "responsibility" of "central control" - "forcing orders".

According to Wang Han, at this time, "Central Control" only needs to randomly fill in a value in the spot inventory of the commodity to achieve its purpose. Coupled with shouts such as "the inventory has been added, refresh and shoot", "there are only 100 orders of inventory left, pay in seconds", etc., behind these seemingly normal processes, it is "forced" fans to place orders.

"Taking scene discourse as an example, it is to arouse consumers' desire to buy by creating a scene that is very suitable for the use of the product." Wang Han said that the last link of all types of speech is the same, and it must be a "hook", that is, to tell consumers in the live broadcast room how cost-effective today's benefits are, and hurry up to place an order.

In addition, creating a sense of scarcity is also a very important skill in the live broadcast room, and the anchor needs to repeatedly emphasize that "this product is very good, but there are only a few left".

Wang Han said that at this time, the "cooperation" between the anchor and the "central control" is particularly crucial. The anchor and the "central control" need to constantly go back and forth to "report in real time", so as to create a perception and psychological feeling to consumers in the live broadcast room that the number of inventory is constantly decreasing due to the rush to buy - "How many orders are left?" "'Central Control' to see how much inventory is left?" "See how many babies are still unpaid in the live broadcast room?" At this time, the "central control" needs to modify the inventory quantity at the same time.

Wang Han revealed that these data can be modified, in order to create a scene where the product sells quickly.

In this regard, the reporter was confirmed when he contacted an e-commerce training institution. The reporter asked about the teaching of "forced orders", and the other party emphasized that "forced orders" is the ability and skill that many novice anchors and junior anchors need to learn, and "holding the price" is a high-stage ability that an anchor needs to cultivate, for example, some anchors and "central control" will adjust the price at any time and dynamically according to the live broadcast situation.

In the view of Wu Chen, an analyst in the live streaming industry, from the perspective of the operation of the entire live broadcast room, from the anchor's introduction of products to how to "hold orders" and "kick orders", all speech frameworks have been carefully designed.

An interviewed e-commerce "central control" sent a "forced order" introduction to reporters shows that there are various forms such as inventory "forced order", reverse "forced order", time-limited "forced order", pain point "forced order", price "forced order" and so on.

For example, the introduction of price "forced order" is expressed like this: price is a great weapon when "forcing order", most products will be set up preferential prices, and the anchor can emphasize "the lowest price, the preferential price of the activity, the price increase after selling, the price comparison of similar products, etc.", highlighting the price advantage and promoting the transaction.

The "forced order" of inventory is equivalent to the limited "forced order", and the "forced order" technique revolves around the amount of inventory, such as emphasizing the limited quantity of products, or constantly reporting the remaining inventory in the live broadcast room, creating a sense of urgency and shortening the transaction time of users.

The pain point of "forcing orders" is to stimulate users, combine the needs of users and the use scenarios of the product, and specifically solve what kind of problems in what scenarios and what results they bring, so as to strengthen the user experience and increase trust.

False data diversion is misleading

Violation of the right to information and the right to choose

During the investigation, some industry insiders bluntly said to reporters that it is now the industry consensus that the live broadcast room is now "forcing orders" and "holding orders", for example, there are welfare products and profit products in each live broadcast room.

According to the interviewed industry insiders, initially, "forcing orders" is generally completed by multiple roles in the live broadcast room, such as the anchor will repeatedly emphasize keywords such as the lowest price, limited inventory, and price increase after selling, so as to create an atmosphere of "regret if you don't buy". And "praise" usually echoes the anchor's keywords, such as "is there still inventory", "almost gone"... While strengthening consumer awareness, it also urges consumers to place orders through dialogue.

Nowadays, the development trend of "forced order" has also begun to appear, and each live broadcast room will form its own set of "forced order" methods for different categories and different selling points. For example, low customer unit price (the average amount of goods purchased by each customer in the live broadcast room is relatively low) products, focusing on atmosphere, welfare, and light selling points, aiming at price-sensitive people, quickly promoting orders and transactions, and the explanation time of a single product does not exceed 3 minutes; The high customer unit price (the average amount of goods purchased by each customer in the live broadcast room is relatively high) products, heavy value (combined with the scene), heavy scarcity (combined with inventory), light marketing, specializing in selling points, pain points, and benefits, without excessive marketing.

Zheng Ning, director of the Law Department of the School of Cultural Industry Management of Communication University of China, believes that specific problems need to be analyzed. However, if there are some obviously false contents in the behavior of "forcing orders", such as false data, buying "water army" in the live broadcast room to flush sales, swiping data, etc., it is essentially a fictitious transaction volume, which is equivalent to publishing false information to attract traffic and mislead consumers, and infringe on consumers' right to know and choose.

And some extreme "forced orders" may have wandered on the edge of the law.

Li Min said,"E-commerce support" in the anchor at the same time, but also to operate seven or eight mobile phones, when the anchor said, "how many people have not grabbed, CALL1", in order to create a sense of tension for users that many people are rushing to buy, "slow hands", "e-commerce praise" in the comment area crazy barrage, and the displayed inventory, sales and other figures are often injected with water.

Zhao Zhanzhan, a lawyer at Beijing JAVY Law Firm, believes that if there is multiple mobile phone operations, in a strict sense, it is no longer a simple "praise" behavior, but a "swiping" behavior. The E-Commerce Law and the Anti-Unfair Competition Law clearly stipulate that fictitious transactions and other "order farming" behaviors cannot be used.

In Zheng Ning's view, the momentum of the traditional selling live broadcast reflects the live broadcast team's pursuit of the "hot" scene, and the "central control" creates a consumption momentum to "force" consumers to consume impulsively, so the selling "e-commerce praise" itself has the momentum to fool people. "Their words have matured and been stereotyped after continuous exploration, from paving the atmosphere, controlling the rhythm, and finally completing the user's 'forcing orders', everything revolves around 'urging consumption', and consumers feel the 'sales shells' like indiscriminate bombardment in such live broadcast rooms, and their own tension is greatly mobilized."

Zhao Zhanzhan believes that the behavior of "e-commerce promotion", whether it is the "Measures for the Administration of Online Live Marketing (Trial)", the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, and the Advertising Law, all have regulations, and the core is to see whether it publishes false or misleading information to deceive consumers. "Due to the information asymmetry between merchants and consumers, for example, the inventory mentioned by the anchor is often unknown whether it is the inventory of this round of sales or the overall inventory, which also makes it difficult to identify false publicity."

Strengthen audit capacity building

Strengthen the supervision of marketing behavior

The reporter searched for "central control" related positions on a recruitment platform, and according to the HR introduction of relevant positions, the salary of "central control" positions is generally divided into "basic salary + performance", and the acquisition of performance is directly linked to the sales of live broadcasts. To a certain extent, this has a lot to do with the "forced order" behavior of "central control".

According to industry insiders, according to the completion of sales, "Zhongkong" will receive a certain percentage of bonuses. In the early days of entering the live broadcast room, the assessment of "central control" in the live broadcast room was relatively strict, and the degree of tacit cooperation between "central control" and the anchor was also a key factor affecting the share and bonus of "central control".

Wang Han said that this is actually the process of getting acquainted with the anchor and the "central control", in the early stage, the cooperation between the two sides was relatively blunt, and after getting acquainted, the two sides will cooperate very well, and the share and bonus of the "central control" will gradually increase.

According to the "Measures for the Administration of Online Live Streaming Marketing (for Trial Implementation)", live broadcast room operators and live streaming marketers engaged in online live streaming marketing activities must not publish false or misleading information to deceive or mislead users, must not market counterfeit or shoddy goods, infringe on intellectual property rights, or do not meet the requirements for protecting personal and property safety, and must not fabricate or tamper with data such as transaction volume, attention, views, and likes.

In Zhao Zhanzhan's view, "Central Control" should be included in the supervision of live broadcast room operators, whether it is "Central Control" itself engaged in "order brushing" or entrusting a third-party agency to "brush orders", which essentially violates the relevant provisions of the "Measures for the Administration of Online Live Streaming Marketing (Trial)".

"The current laws, regulations and special normative documents still have very low penalties for the chaos in the live broadcast room and the negligence of the live broadcast platform in regulation. Perhaps in the future, it may be considered that the penalty amount will be set to a certain percentage of the amount of illegal gains for violations of laws and regulations in the live broadcast room. Zheng Ning said.

Strengthening credit supervision and establishing a blacklist system are also effective measures to regulate relevant violations of laws and regulations. Zheng Ning suggested that if a merchant repeatedly engages in false propaganda and infringes on the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, the relevant authorities should lower its credit rating or punish it accordingly, "This is not necessarily implemented by the relevant regulatory authorities, but can be implemented through active supervision by industry associations or platforms."

In addition, Zheng Ning believes that relevant departments should strengthen the training of institutions and anchors, enhance their awareness of the rule of law, provide them with compliance guidance, and ensure the legitimacy of marketing methods while obtaining traffic and commercial benefits.

The interviewed experts also mentioned that the "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Online Show Live Broadcast and E-commerce Live Broadcast" issued by the State Administration of Radio and Television clearly states that the platform that runs online show live broadcast or e-commerce live broadcast should implement the principle of synchronization of management and construction, and accurately implement the requirements of matching the platform management strength with the ability to open live broadcast rooms to the number to the person.

"At this stage, the overall ratio of the number of front-line auditors on the relevant platform to the number of online live broadcast rooms shall not be less than 1:50, and the training of auditors should be increased, and the auditors who have passed the training will be registered in the 'auditor information management system'." Zheng Ning said that capable platforms are encouraged to adopt requirements that are better than the overall ratio to strengthen audit capacity building.

In Zhao Zhanzhan's view, compared with the intensity of punishment, whether supervision can be timely is the current governance difficulty. In view of the particularity of live broadcast e-commerce, there are real-time and real-time characteristics, and it is difficult to supervise it manually. Platforms should use technical means to monitor in real time to strengthen supervision, and at the same time, relevant staff should conduct online inspections to discover violations in a timely manner.

In the view of Wang Han, Li Min and others, who have been engaged in the industry for three or four years, truly rational consumers, even if they create a "scarce" atmosphere, will not be "forced" to place an order to shop. (Rule of Law Daily)