Beijing, September 9 (Zhongxin Net) -- In the era of digital economy, China's computing power industry is the first square in the world.

According to the white paper "China Comprehensive Computing Power Index (2023)" recently released by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, the total scale of China's computing power ranks second in the world, with an average annual growth rate of nearly 30% in the past five years. The industrial chain continues to expand, the development momentum continues to increase, and China's computing power industry is moving towards high-quality development.

"At present, the world is in the midst of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, and the new generation of information and communication technology accelerates group breakthrough and cross-integration, which has profoundly changed the way of economic and social development." Zhao Zhiguo, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that computing technology and computing industry play an important role, and are showing strong vitality and immeasurable potential with disruptive innovation, becoming a key force driving comprehensive digital transformation.

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, together with the Ministry of Finance, has compiled the Action Plan for Stabilizing Growth in Electronic Information Manufacturing Industry in 2023-2024, systematically planning measures for stable growth in two years, and proposing to rely on technological and product form innovation to promote consumption upgrading in traditional fields and cultivate and expand new growth points such as advanced computing and virtual reality.

Chen Xiaohong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of Xiangjiang Laboratory, said that the computing industry is developing rapidly, and computing innovation technology represented by artificial intelligence and advanced computing is constantly leading industrial and technological change, and bringing some new industrial development directions.

She pointed out that since the beginning of this year, AI large models have taken root and emerged, resulting in many application scenarios in many fields such as intelligent manufacturing, smart healthcare, smart society, and smart transportation. It can be said that with more breakthroughs in theoretical technologies, artificial intelligence and advanced computing will empower thousands of industries.

The relevant person in charge of Inspur Computer said that advanced computing is indeed a new growth point for electronic information manufacturing. With the diversification of application scenarios, such as the gradual differentiation of intelligent application scenarios in the Internet and general industries, and the rise of AI, the market's demand for computing power will also stimulate key computing, special computing, etc., and even some calculations accelerated for certain applications.

He further said that the differentiation of computing also puts forward great requirements for computing infrastructure, such as intelligent driving has been gradually piloted, intelligent manufacturing in China's manufacturing industry is also developing steadily, and the penetration rate of intelligent manufacturing is constantly increasing. "The development of these applications actually has relatively clear requirements for the entire infrastructure, and it will also promote these infrastructure changes."

He believes that computing power is productivity, and there must be a lot of support behind the subsequent significant increase in productivity. "Future computing power can reflect our comprehensive national strength, which is an intuitive perspective to reflect our productivity."

Gao Wen, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, mentioned that a good computing power network needs fast speed and large capacity, and will face two technical challenges: connection delay and ultra-wideband. At present, the minimum physical delay that China can provide is 200 km/ms, and 300 km/ms is being conquered; In terms of bandwidth, Pengcheng National Laboratory is working hard to provide 100-1000 terabits per second (Tbps) technology.

The relevant person in charge of Inspur Computer also mentioned that China's computing power is in the first echelon in the world, but the improvement of computing power has also encountered some core problems. On the one hand, the utilization rate of China's computing power is not high, on the other hand, there is room for further reduction in power consumption. In addition, computing power requires a unified standard, resulting in low overall resource utilization. "But I have never looked at it, and the market potential and demand for computing power in China are still very huge."

Zhao Zhiguo emphasized that it is necessary to accurately grasp the development trend of technology and industry, continuously promote the high-quality development of China's computing industry, strengthen technological innovation, and support the research and development of new forms and products such as intelligent servers, cluster servers, and storage-computing integrated servers. Strengthen policy guarantees, deepen cooperation between ministries and provinces, deeply implement computing industry policies, build and improve computing standards and evaluation systems, strengthen the layout of intellectual property rights, and enhance core competitiveness. (End)