Beijing, 9 September ( -- The State Administration of Taxation has further standardized the practice of tax-related professional services

Zhongxin financial reporter Zhao Jianhua

The State Administration of Taxation (SAT) has recently formulated and promulgated the Basic Standards for Tax-related Professional Services (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the Basic Standards) and the Code of Ethics for Tax-related Professional Services (for Trial Implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Professional Ethics). The Basic Code and Code of Professional Ethics both came into force on 2023 October 10.

Among them, the Basic Guidelines consist of 29 articles in five chapters. Propose basic compliance around basic requirements, lawful practice, information reporting, real-name practice, honest practice, practice principles, and quality management; Set basic standards for compliance practice, process control and quality management in the undertaking and implementation of tax-related professional services business.

The Code of Professional Ethics advocates ethical guidance, credit restraint and steady operation of tax-related professional service institutions and their tax-related service personnel, and clarifies 12 specific requirements for professional discipline and professional ethics in terms of honesty and law-abiding, honest practice, objectivity and impartiality, independence and prudence, professional competence, information confidentiality, and data security, as well as prohibited conduct in tax-related professional services.

According to the above new regulations, tax-related professional services include tax declaration agency, general tax consulting, professional tax consulting, tax planning, tax-related certification, tax status review, agency for other tax matters, invoice services and other tax-related services.

According to the State Administration of Taxation, tax-related professional service institutions and their tax-related service personnel engaged in tax-related professional services in China should abide by the Basic Standards and the Code of Professional Ethics. Engaging in tax-related professional services, they must not use improper means such as concealment, fraud, bribery, collusion, kickbacks, improper promises, malicious low prices and false publicity to contract business; Do not misinterpret tax policy; Clients must not be induced or assisted to carry out tax-related illegal activities. Engaging in tax-related authentication and tax payment review services, and must not have an interest relationship with the witness or person under review that affects independence; Tax-related data must not be used for improper benefits. (End)