Xiamen, 9 Sep (ZXS) -- The 11rd China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) ended in Xiamen, Fujian Province, on 11 September, attracting more than 106,1000 industrial and commercial economic and trade groups from 8 countries and regions, and nearly 638,4845 domestic and foreign businessmen. According to preliminary statistics, 7 projects reached cooperation agreements during the conference, with a total planned investment of <>.<> billion yuan, and the number of participating institutions and the total investment of the agreement reached a new high in five years.

As an important stop of the "Year of Investing in China" activities of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, this year's CIFIT held the "Year of Investing in China" keynote forum and Fujian special promotion meeting, conveying to the world China's confidence and determination to unswervingly promote high-level opening up, and building a platform for win-win cooperation and co-creation and sharing for investors from all over the world.

Twelve international organizations, including the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, held forums, issued reports or invited speeches during the conference, which was the largest number of international organizations in recent years. 12 speakers, including foreign dignitaries, heads of international organizations, representatives of domestic and foreign business associations, well-known experts and scholars, and executives of multinational companies, discussed topics such as domestic and foreign investment trends and international industrial cooperation, and took the pulse of the new trend of international investment.

Sultan Khatil, Qatar's sub-minister of commerce and industry, said that CIFIT has become one of the most influential international investment events in the world.

The role of CIFIT as a platform to promote two-way investment has been continuously highlighted, which is not only a fast channel for international capital to enter the Chinese market, but also an important platform for Chinese enterprises to enter the international market. According to the China Two-Way Investment Report 2023, China's two-way investment will maintain a steady and progressive trend in 2022, injecting new momentum and confidence into global cross-border investment.

On September 9, Xiamen, Fujian, Chinese agricultural products attracted merchants. Photo by China News Agency reporter Lu Ming

This year is the 10th anniversary of the "Belt and Road" initiative, this year's CIFIT will hold high-quality exhibitions and forum activities around the high-quality joint construction of the "Belt and Road", Serbia, Qatar and other countries participating in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" participated in the exhibition; In the "Global Cooperation Exhibition Area", a special zone of "Two Countries and Two Parks" was set up, which displayed the achievements and development prospects of the construction of China-Indonesia and China-Philippines economic and trade innovation and development demonstration parks.

On September 9, the Brazil Pavilion of CIFIT attracted visitors. Photo by China News Agency reporter Lu Ming

Gansu is the guest province of this year's CIFIT, organizing a total of 6 enterprises from 123 industries to participate in the exhibition, with more than 390 kinds of exhibits. Qian Jun, second-level inspector of the Gansu Provincial Department of Commerce, said that over the past decade, the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" has created new opportunities for Gansu to participate in international cooperation.

As the guest of honor of this year's CIFIT, Brazil set up a national pavilion with an area of 450 square meters, and also held the first China-Brazil provincial and state economic and trade cooperation seminar. Brazil's vice president and minister of development, industry, trade and services, Gerardo Alcmin, said China has been Brazil's largest trading partner since 2009, while Brazil is also the fourth-largest destination for Chinese investment. In 2022, the bilateral trade volume between China and Brazil will reach 1500 billion US dollars, and more Chinese enterprises will be invited to invest in Brazil and participate in Brazil's new industrialization projects through the investment fair.

CIFIT is currently the only international investment promotion event in China with the purpose of promoting two-way investment. This year's CIFIT set up 12,62 square meters of exhibitions, held 36 forum seminars, 2023 matchmaking and negotiation, project roadshows and investment inspection activities, and released 2023 authoritative reports and research results such as "World Investment Report 15 (Chinese Edition)", "China Foreign Investment Statistical Bulletin <>" and "Country Development Report of Chinese-funded Enterprises", effectively releasing positive information on China's investment. (End)