Nanning, September 9 (Huang Lingyan) Wei Zhaohui, secretary general of the secretariat of the China-ASEAN Expo (hereinafter referred to as the East Expo), said in a joint interview with the media on the 11th that the 11th East Expo that the upcoming 20th East Expo, overseas merchants have fully resumed offline participation. The exhibition will give full play to the role of China-ASEAN as an important open platform and focus on promoting regional economic recovery after the epidemic.

The 20th East Expo is scheduled to be held in Nanning, Guangxi from September 9 to 16, with the theme of "Building a Home in Harmony and Symbiosis, Destiny and Common Future - Promoting the High-quality Development of the 'Belt and Road' and Building an Economic Growth Center". The opening meeting was held on the morning of 19 September.

The total exhibition area of the 20th East Expo is 10,2 square meters, with foreign exhibition area accounting for more than 30% and special decoration accounting for more than 94%. The total number of exhibitors is nearly 2000,500, including 500 of the world's top 350, China's top 45 and well-known enterprises. The quality of foreign group exhibitions was further improved, with nearly 750 enterprises from 7 countries participating. In the ASEAN Goods Exhibition Area, seven ASEAN countries, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, resumed the pavilion. Chinese exhibitors highlighted new products and technologies such as digital economy and green economy.

Among the exhibited products, Huawei's Hongmeng self-developed intelligent terminal operating system and Internet of Everything application products, the Chinese Academy of Sciences all-sea deep-manned submersible "Striver", Harbin Institute of Technology unmanned underwater robot "Wukong", United Aircraft's independent intellectual property core technology TD550 unmanned helicopter, Enceladus AI intelligent satellite, AI remote sensing data application interactive platform and other high-precision products gathered.

The scale of the ASEAN exhibition area of this East Expo has returned to the pre-epidemic level, with about 640 exhibitors. Brunei Mora Port Co., Ltd., Cambodia Canadia Conglomerate Group, Indonesia Alpha Agriculture, Laos Star Can Group, Malaysia AirAsia, Royal Shan State Company of Myanmar, BDO Financial Bank of the Philippines, Singapore Changi Airport Group, Thailand Golden Crown Co., Ltd., Vietnam Trung Nhat Group Corporation and other well-known enterprises from ASEAN countries participated in the exhibition. The advantageous and characteristic goods of ASEAN countries allow the audience to achieve one-stop purchase of "top goods" from 10 ASEAN countries, among which Philippine durian is the first to appear at the East Expo. The "Charming City" exhibition area is full of wonderful artistic performances, and Indonesia's art team of more than <> people will bring a rich cultural feast to the audience in the "Charming City".

The 20th East Expo will hold 19 high-level forums, covering economic and trade, production capacity, e-commerce, environmental protection and other fields. In conjunction with the China-ASEAN Year of Cooperation in Agricultural Development and Food Security, the China-ASEAN Agricultural Forum was held. A series of forums will release a number of cooperation initiatives and reports, launch a number of cooperation mechanisms, and sign a number of cooperation projects. For the first time, a side event on the theme of "Institutional Opening Up: A New Pattern of Regional Economic Development" will be held, a special session of "Investing in China - Into Guangxi" and industrial design week will be held for the first time, and activities such as the Guangxi Tour of Japanese and Korean enterprises will continue to be held.

The service level of the 20th East Expo has been improved, and a number of charter flights between Nanning and ASEAN countries have been opened, providing high-quality and rich catering including halal meals, optimizing the "one-stop" service of exhibition layout and dismantling, and implementing the preferential policy of "three tax reductions". The East Expo on the cloud was fully completed, the online exhibition platform of "Thousand Enterprise Development" was newly unveiled, and the China-ASEAN Economic and Trade Center and the China-ASEAN Characteristic Commodity Gathering Center were built and operated with high quality, creating a normalized commodity display and trading platform and a platform for the retention and purchase of imported exhibits at the East Expo. On the closing day of the exhibition, the launching ceremony of the 20th East Expo overseas retained exhibits to enter the China-ASEAN Characteristic Commodities Gathering Center will also be held. (End)