Since the beginning of this year, investment in key areas across the country has maintained rapid growth

Better play the key role of investment (new economic orientation)

In Shanghai, the national data exchange and computing power platform accelerated the layout to promote the digital transformation of the economy. In Sichuan, more than 170 rural chain bridges will be completed this year, benefiting 20,<> rural residents... Since the beginning of this year, all regions and departments have focused on stabilizing investment, enhancing the key role of investment in optimizing the supply structure, and promoting the reasonable growth of investment. How should we improve the investment environment, stimulate investment vitality, and solidly promote high-quality economic development? The reporter interviewed relevant experts.

The investment structure has been continuously optimized, and investment in infrastructure and high-tech industries has strong support

Total investment of 135.7 billion yuan - In July this year, the first phase of CATL's battery factory project in Yichun, Jiangxi Province was put into operation. In just 18 months, the plant was erected. "The plant is equipped with four super intelligent manufacturing production lines, and it only takes 4.1 seconds to produce a set of battery cells after reaching production, and the annual output can assemble 5,50 electric vehicles." Tang Jianhua, operation director of Yichun era, introduced.

Since the beginning of this year, investment in key areas across the country has maintained rapid growth. From January to July, investment in infrastructure and manufacturing increased by 1.7% and 6.8% respectively, both faster than all investment growth. Du Yue, deputy director of the comprehensive office of the Investment Research Institute of the China Academy of Macroeconomic Research, believes that the investment structure continues to be optimized, and the driving role of infrastructure and manufacturing investment continues to increase, which further plays a key role in optimizing the supply structure.

Innovation momentum continues to be consolidated and released. The successful commercial operation of domestic large aircraft, the installed capacity of industrial robots accounting for more than 50% of the world, and the performance verification of new technical components of the new generation of EMUs have been completed, and the high-end, intelligent and green transformation has been promoted by promoting technological innovation and transformation and application, and the industrial upgrading trend continues. From January to July, investment in high-tech industries increased by 1.7% year-on-year, and investment in scientific research and technical services increased by 11.5% year-on-year.

The role of investment in large projects has been enhanced. In the first half of the year, the investment in projects with a total planned investment of 10 million yuan and above increased by 9.1% year-on-year, an increase of 5.0 percentage points over the period from January to May, and the contribution rate to the growth of all investment increased by 2 percentage points compared with January to May.

As one of the "troikas" driving economic growth, investment plays an important role in China's economic development. "The physical quantity formed by investment creates demand in the short term and forms supply in the medium and long term, which is of great significance to promoting the effective connection and smooth circulation of all links of the national economy, which is not only a strong support for stable growth, but also an important carrier to accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system." Wei Qijia, director of the Industrial Economics Research Office of the Economic Forecasting Department of the State Information Center, said.

Focus on the key areas and weak links of the national economy, and continue to release investment potential

In the first half of the year, the National Development and Reform Commission approved 91 fixed asset investment projects, with a total investment of 7011.<> billion yuan, mainly in energy, high-tech, transportation, water conservancy and other industries. The interviewed experts believe that to better play the key role of investment, we must accurately grasp the direction of investment, focus on key areas and weak links of the national economy, continue to release investment potential, and improve the quality and efficiency of investment.

At present, all regions and departments are focusing on solving practical problems in economic and social development, and continue to promote investment in key areas such as transportation, energy, water conservancy, ecology, and people's livelihood.

Carry out infrastructure construction moderately ahead of schedule. The construction of the Haba Snow Mountain Tunnel of the Yunnan-Tibet Railway has been completed, the construction of the large-scale irrigation area of the Hetao Loop has been accelerated, and the middle section of the third line of the West-to-East Gas Transmission Line and the fourth line of the West-East Gas Transmission Line are at the peak of construction... In the first half of the year, China completed investment in transportation fixed assets of 1.83 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9.1%; The investment in key energy projects exceeded 1 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 23.9%.

Promote the construction of new infrastructure. Du Yue said that since the beginning of this year, investment in new infrastructure construction has maintained rapid growth, with a growth rate of 16.2% in the first half of the year, accounting for 0.4 percentage points higher than the same period last year, laying a solid foundation for medium and long-term innovative development.

Strengthen the construction of major projects to ensure the needs of people's livelihood. Accelerate the aging and renovation of urban pipelines, increase inclusive elderly care and medical and elderly care service facilities, and continue to improve the fitness facilities around the masses... From January to July, investment in the production and supply of electricity, heat, gas and water increased by 1.7%. From January to July, 25,4 old urban communities were renovated nationwide, benefiting 1.7 million households.

Du Yue suggested that promoting effective investment plays a greater role in economic recovery and high-quality development, and it is necessary to continue to promote the interaction between investment and consumption. On the one hand, increase the demand for traditional bulk consumption such as automobiles and home appliances, actively develop service consumption and emerging consumption, and give play to the driving role of consumption in manufacturing investment; On the other hand, optimize the investment structure around consumer demand, increase investment in consumption infrastructure, consumption scenarios and logistics facilities and other related fields, promote investment and consumption to form a strong synergy to expand domestic demand.

Give better play to the driving role of government investment and stimulate the vitality of private investment

The National Development and Reform Commission recently issued the "Circular on Further Doing a Good Job in Promoting Private Investment and Striving to Mobilize the Enthusiasm of Private Investment," which proposed giving full play to the important role of private investment, striving to maintain the proportion of private investment in fixed asset investment at a reasonable level, and further optimizing the private investment environment, further enhancing the willingness of private investment, and further enhancing the vitality of private investment.

Private investment is an important force for promoting economic development, stabilizing overall investment and expanding social employment. Since the beginning of this year, the growth of private investment has been under great pressure. "We must not only have the determination to promote the growth of private investment, but also fully understand the difficulties and complexities that may be faced by the growth of private investment, and maintain patience and determination." Zhang Peiyuan, Ph.D. of the Investment Research Institute of the China Academy of Macroeconomic Research, believes that private investment still has strong growth momentum and growth space, and with the gradual improvement of the internal and external environment and the introduction of a series of favorable policies, it is expected to stabilize and improve.

Stabilize expectations and enhance investment confidence. "In a predictable market and social environment, private companies are more motivated to engage in innovative activities and long-term investments." Shen Li, an associate researcher at the Economic Forecasting Department of the State Information Center, said that the "Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Promoting the Development and Growth of the Private Economy" issued in July proposed that the procedures for adjusting enterprise-related policies should be carried out in accordance with laws and regulations, and a reasonable transition period should be set according to actual conditions. This measure will help stabilize and guide the expectations of private enterprises and enhance the confidence of private investment.

Strong service and enhanced investment capabilities. Zhang Peiyuan suggested that all localities should carry out the promotion of private investment projects on a regular basis, support private capital to participate in major projects, introduce corresponding policies and measures in terms of tax exemptions, loan discounts, financial subsidies, etc., and strengthen the key element protection of key private investment projects.

"Both government investment and private investment are indispensable." Du Yue believes that to continue to give full play to the leading role of government investment, it is necessary to accelerate the issuance and use of local government special bonds, and promote a number of projects that make up for shortcomings, benefit people's livelihood, and benefit both the present and the long term as soon as possible to land and form a physical workload. At the same time, with the formulation and implementation of the package of bonds, local government debt risks will be effectively prevented and resolved, and investment capabilities will be enhanced. (People's Daily)