Chengdu, September 9 (Shan Peng) Recently, the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Sichuan Provincial Government issued the Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a Province with Strong Quality (hereinafter referred to as the Implementation Opinions). The Information Office of the Sichuan Provincial Government held a press conference in Chengdu on the 11th to introduce the relevant situation of the "Implementation Opinions" on "Building a Province with Strong Quality in All Directions and Promoting High-quality Economic Development".

Press conference site. Sichuan released a photo

The "Implementation Opinions" proposed to enhance the quality competitiveness of the industry. Implement the industrial basic quality improvement project, improve the ability of industrial quality innovation, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of industrial development, and improve the quality leadership of industrial clusters.

At the same time, the Implementation Opinions also clarify the tasks of product, engineering, service quality improvement and brand building, enterprise quality management, quality infrastructure, quality governance and other aspects.

Xu Yong, spokesperson of the Sichuan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, member of the party leading group and secretary of the party committee of the organ, said that the "Implementation Opinions" focuses on accelerating the construction of a modern industrial system with Sichuan characteristics, and for the first time expands the three quality areas of products, engineering and services to the four quality areas of industry, engineering, products and services, clearly focuses on improving the quality of advantageous industries, implements the industrial basic quality improvement project, strengthens the overall quality management of the industrial chain, cultivates excellent industrial clusters with quality leadership, and enhances the competitiveness of industrial quality.

The Implementation Opinions propose to improve the quality of construction of international consumer destinations; Vigorously develop green and high-quality agricultural products, strengthen the quality and safety of food and drugs, and accelerate the upgrading and quality improvement of Sichuan grain and oil, Sichuan tea, Sichuan wine, prepared vegetables and condiments. It is proposed to use the "high standard and strict certification" evaluation model to create a high-end regional public brand of "Tianfu Famous Products", and simultaneously improve the cultivation and development system of Sichuan manufacturing, Sichuan agricultural products, Sichuan construction, and Sichuan service brands.

According to Xu Yong, in order to promote the construction of a strong quality province in an all-round way, Sichuan will accelerate the construction of a more suitable quality supply system, strengthen the overall quality management of the industrial chain, continue to carry out key products, projects and service quality improvement actions, actively promote the digital transformation of enterprise quality management, vigorously implement the "Tianfu Famous Products" brand cultivation action, create an upgraded version of the quality supply system, and will also accelerate the construction of a high-level quality infrastructure system and a modern quality governance system.

It is understood that the fifth China Quality Conference was recently held in Chengdu, Sichuan, which is the first international quality event held in western China. The conference announced the approval of the establishment or preparation of 7 national quality infrastructure technology platforms in Sichuan, and some national technical institutions signed 121 cooperation agreements with enterprises in Sichuan Province. (End)