China News Network Taiyuan, September 9 (Reporter Li Xinsuo) Deepen the reform of the energy system, build a complete power market system with the integrated development of "medium and long-term + spot + auxiliary services" and "intra-provincial + out-of-town", and lead the country in the electricity spot market. At the press conference on the construction of a high-standard market system held by the Information Office of the Shanxi Provincial Government on the 11th, the relevant departments and bureaus of Shanxi performed their respective duties to accelerate the construction of a high-standard market system.

Shanxi has accelerated the construction of a high-standard market system. Photo courtesy of the Information Office of the Shanxi Provincial Government

Yang Shaoxin, deputy director of the Shanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission, introduced that in terms of the construction of the goods and services market, Shanxi has comprehensively carried out the "one-stop" service of quality infrastructure, launched the "standard system construction year" activity, newly released 151 provincial-level local standards, solidly promoted the construction of four national-level industrial clusters such as sorghum, apple, Chinese medicinal materials and millet, and improved the quality of agricultural product supply.

In addition, Shanxi has actively built ten key industrial chains such as special steel materials and new energy, built characteristic professional towns, and built regional economic growth poles.

In terms of improving the market system in key areas, Shanxi has deepened the reform of the energy system and made a major breakthrough in the reform of the coalbed methane exploration system and mechanism.

Yang Shaoxin said that Shanxi continues to improve the basic system and rules of the market to effectively protect the property rights of enterprises and the property safety of entrepreneurs. From January to August, Shanxi severely punished 1 related crimes, recovered more than 8 million yuan in losses, and promoted the establishment of professional intellectual property arbitration institutions by nine arbitration commissions in Taiyuan and Datong, expanding diversified solutions to intellectual property disputes; The Regulations of Shanxi Province Against Unfair Competition were revised and implemented, a comprehensive fair competition review of 565,5 policies and measures involving market entities was conducted, and 9,9 illegal cases affecting fair competition were investigated and handled.

During this period, Shanxi accelerated the construction of a consumer goods market system with reasonable layout, perfect functions and distinctive characteristics.

Li Guorong, deputy director of the Department of Commerce of Shanxi Province and spokesperson of the press, introduced that Shanxi continues to improve the urban commercial system, improve the county commercial system, build a rural e-town development platform, and strive to restore and expand consumption.

Li Guorong said that the Department of Commerce of Shanxi Province will continue to build characteristic commercial streets, "quarter-hour convenient living circles", and night economic agglomeration areas, promote the tilt of resource elements to the rural market, and improve the logistics and distribution system of counties and villages.

In view of the reform of market-oriented allocation of land elements, the Department of Natural Resources of Shanxi Province has established and improved the unified urban and rural construction land market, established an efficient industrial land supply system system, and used the market mechanism to revitalize the utilization of existing construction land. (End)