For the eighth time, the EEF is being held on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University on Russky Island. This year, about 7,50 people from <> countries are expected to participate in the forum. The largest delegations will be from China, India, Mongolia, Myanmar and Laos.

As noted by the Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev, in recent years, the WEF has become one of the key tools for the development of the Far East. Moreover, according to the Deputy Prime Minister, today the forum is the world's leading platform for discussing economic and political problems.

"We also have big plans for this forum ... Special attention will be paid to business dialogues. Russian entrepreneurs will meet with colleagues from India, China, Mongolia and ASEAN countries. I am sure that the result will be a large number of new investment agreements with foreign participation, which will bring new projects, technologies, jobs to the Far Eastern land and will become the key to strong friendship between our countries, "Trutnev said.

In total, more than 90 events are planned to be held on the sidelines of the Eastern Economic Forum with the participation of over 400 speakers. Traditionally, leading Russian and foreign entrepreneurs, politicians, experts and public figures will gather on the sidelines of the business platform.

As part of the business programme, it is planned to discuss the most pressing tasks of the economic, social and infrastructural development of the Far East, as well as issues of interaction and integration ties throughout the Asia-Pacific region. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in his address to the guests and participants of the WEF.

"The main theme of this forum, 'Towards Cooperation, Peace and Prosperity,' reflects Russia's desire to build constructive relations with all interested foreign partners. Our country is fully open to a broad dialogue on pressing issues on the regional agenda, intends to continue to actively participate in efforts to build a system of interstate relations in the Asia-Pacific region based on equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other's legitimate interests," Putin stressed.

Business conversation

The forum will primarily focus on the structure of the new multipolar world and the main directions of development of the Russian economy in changing conditions. This opinion was expressed in a conversation with RT by one of the traditional participants of the WEF, President of the All-Russian Public Organization of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses "Support of Russia" Alexander Kalinin.

"The forum participants are focused on the creation of new logistics chains, including the Northern Sea Route, settlement schemes in national currencies, a cargo insurance system, customs procedures, and cultural exchanges. We will work out personnel issues in detail: we now need people who will understand the specifics of the Asian market, and our foreign partners have a need for personnel who have previously worked with Russian suppliers and know the intricacies of interaction, "Kalinin said.

  • © Valentina Pevtsova/Roscongress Foundation

According to him, the forum participants will also talk about the growing role of small business against the backdrop of strengthening trade ties between Moscow and Asia. As Kalinin noted, the products of Russian entrepreneurs are becoming more and more in demand abroad, and the desire of different countries to join the Shanghai Cooperation Organization opens up new prospects for companies.

"There is a flourishing of small transport companies and banks that are not subject to sanctions. Therefore, their development and support will be discussed at the forum. There will also be an exchange of best international practices on how to develop business on the example of the same China, where 60% of GDP is made by small businesses, "the RT interlocutor added.

Particular attention on the sidelines of the EEF-2023 is planned to be paid to the issue of increasing the investment attractiveness of the Far East, Evgeny Kogan, a professor at the Higher School of Economics participating in the forum, told RT. In his opinion, taking into account the reorientation of trade flows and Russia's priorities towards the East, the importance of the site increases many times over.

"The main focus of the WEF is traditionally occupied by our eastern regions: these are Kamchatka, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Magadan, and the Khabarovsk Territory. We have seen a significant increase in trade relations with Asian countries, primarily with China. Accordingly, investments are being made in this area. Moreover, the funds are directed to various areas - from tourism to logistics. I think that many significant agreements will be signed on the sidelines of the forum, and new contacts will also be established," Kogan suggested.

  • © Ruslan Shamukov/Roscongress Foundation

Also, the guests of the WEF intend to sum up the results of the work already done on the development of the Far East, as told RT by one of the regular participants of the forum, President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) of Russia Sergey Katyrin. It should be noted that earlier it was on the sidelines of the business platform that decisions were made to create the Far Eastern Hectare and Far Eastern Mortgage programs, as well as a mechanism for equalizing energy tariffs.

Moreover, in recent years, 2,8 thousand investment projects have already been implemented in the region, and the volume of actual investments in the Far East in various initiatives with state support amounted to 3,4 trillion rubles. Along with this, more than 120 thousand jobs were created.

"We can state with confidence that steps on the part of the state and business in the direction of the development of the Far East are being successfully implemented, despite external restrictions ... A special place in the business program of the forum is occupied by business dialogues, where our entrepreneurs will meet with Asian colleagues. The range of issues is very wide - from the development of creative industries and artificial intelligence to issues of logistics and mutual settlements. We believe that in the current geopolitical reality there are excellent conditions for the development of active cooperation," Katyrin added.

Keynote speech

The central event of the WEF will be the plenary session, at which Vladimir Putin is expected to speak. Vice-President of Laos Pani Yathhotu will also take part in the session. In addition, a number of bilateral meetings between the Russian president and the heads of foreign delegations will be held on the sidelines of the forum.

"As always, these will be very, very busy days ... The plenary will be held on September 12, it is scheduled for 15:00 Vladivostok time (08:00 Moscow time - RT). We expect an interesting discussion," said Dmitry Peskov, press secretary of the head of state.

  • RIA Novosti
  • © Alexey Danichev

In addition, at the forum, Vladimir Putin will meet with Governor of Primorsky Krai Oleg Kozhemyako and hold a meeting to discuss the program for the development of Far Eastern cities. At the end of the business program, the Russian leader plans to talk with the moderators of the key sessions of the WEF.

"During the plenary session of the forum, as well as its panel sessions and thematic round tables, it is necessary to discuss the prospects for expanding trade, investment, scientific and technical cooperation. It is important to identify ways to form new, most efficient production and logistics chains, modernize transport and energy systems, as well as ensure food and environmental security in the region," Putin stressed.

The Eastern Economic Forum was first held in 2015. Work on the site takes place in the format of panel sessions, round tables, televised debates, business breakfasts and business dialogues.

At the end of the EEF 2022, 296 agreements worth almost 3.3 trillion rubles were signed. At that time, the forum included more than 100 events, which were attended by over 7,1 people, including about 7,700 business representatives from <> Russian and foreign companies.