China News Network, September 9 (Zhongxin Finance Zuo Yuqing) The live broadcast of the earthquake with the cargo circle began with a 11 yuan eyebrow pencil.

Use "Sometimes find your own reasons, have your wages risen or not for so many years, have you worked seriously?" To netizens and apologized in the early morning of the 11th, Li Jiaqi appeared in the live broadcast room that night to apologize in tears, and once again responded to the storm of Hua Xizi's eyebrows:

"I'm sorry to disappoint everyone, I shouldn't and am not qualified to casually comment on any netizen from a personal point of view. I recognize that this inappropriate expression is disrespectful to others, and anyone has the right to make suggestions and ideas about the product in the live room. And as an anchor, I must also respect everyone's right to express. I also said that the feathers on Li Jiaqi's body were given to me by all the girls one by one... At no time should I forget where I came from. ”

Affected by the eyebrow brush turmoil, @李佳琦Austin Weibo fans have lost a lot, and as of press time, Li Jiaqi's Weibo followers have dropped from 3043.5 million to 2947.7 million, and nearly 100 million fans have unfollowed in one day.

What happened to the live broadcast circle of the talent who brought the goods "one brother" and also "overturned"?

Brand: both glory and loss?

In the wave of the rise of domestic products, Hua Xizi is undoubtedly one of the first brands to start in-depth cooperation with Li Jiaqi.

Li Jiaqi's speech in the live broadcast room also confirmed this: "How many years I have followed Hua Xizi, how did it get up, I am the one who knows best, and it almost gave me his home." ”

In the early morning of September 9, Li Jiaqi apologized for the Hua Xizi incident.

The host anchor itself brings its own traffic, and can use its own traffic pool to accumulate new traffic and drive sales for the brand in a short period of time. However, the deep support of the brand by the host anchor, especially the head anchor, also makes the brand invisibly bound to the anchor.

Previously, Yuze, a domestic skin care product that became popular in Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room, was accused of being a "white-eyed wolf" because it switched to Weiya's live broadcast room at a lower price, losing its reputation among consumers, and its "Double 11" sales were not as good as other skin care brands more closely related to Li Jiaqi.

And Hua Xizi in this turmoil was "suffered" because of his close relationship with Li Jiaqi: some netizens pointed out that even if the activity price of buying one and getting two free is included, the gram price of Hua Xizi's eyebrow pencil is as high as 329/g, even higher than some international makeup brands, thus causing netizens to be dissatisfied with the "domestic beauty assassin".

Li Xinyi, research partner of Analysys, said that from the absolute value of the price, the price per gram of Hua Xizi is indeed comparable to that of international big brands, and whether Hua Xizi's brand power can support its pricing is a question mark. However, the Li Jiaqihua Xizi incident has attracted widespread attention, and more importantly, Li Jiaqi's own speech deviated from his consistent character of "only giving the most right, not the most expensive".

"Especially in the current context of the gradual recovery of consumption, the arrogance of his inappropriate remarks has been multiplied, eventually causing widespread offense to public sentiment."

For brands that rise with talent anchors, they will eventually realize that they have to face such a problem: when the anchor has its own artist attributes and fan effect, the anchor's "rollover" may also make them pay an unpredictable price.

Live broadcast circle: After Li Jiaqi "overturned", who will be the beneficiary?

After Li Jiaqi "overturned", how to fill the gap of the head anchor?

In fact, since Weiya and Sydney "overturned", the talent live broadcast has been in the state of Li Jiaqi's "thriving" for a long time. Li Xinyi pointed out that for the purpose of maintaining its own live broadcast ecology, the live broadcast platform will deliberately support waist anchors and store broadcasters, which is one of the reasons why the head anchors are gradually weakened.

In fact, many MCN institutions, including Meijiang, have begun a new layout early.

Since Li Jiaqi's resumption last year, Li Jiaqi has consciously cultivated a new assistant group. And with the broadcast of "All Girls' Offer 2", the popularity of assistant broadcasters such as Want Want and Huo Wa has also risen, and even has their own fans. In November of the same year, Li Jiaqi announced the establishment of a new live broadcast room, the "All Girls" live broadcast room, and the assistant broadcaster was solely responsible.

"All Girls" live broadcast room.

From All In Li Jiaqi to the formation of a diverse live broadcast matrix, "don't put eggs in the same basket" is exactly how beauty spreads the risk of "overhead anchors".

At the same time, major MCN institutions have also begun to "break the circle" attempt: beauty wrists have added more new live broadcast categories, including clothing and accessories, home textiles, household appliances, etc.; "Make a Friend" and "Oriental Selection" try diversified live broadcast channels and break the boundaries between live broadcast platforms.

"The rise of a big anchor and how long it lasts is often accompanied by strong uncertainty, so whether it is beauty, oriental selection or making friends, they are trying various ways to reduce risk and enhance certainty."

Li Xinyi said that whether it is Li Jiaqi's live broadcast matrix or Oriental Selection's self-built supply chain, it is essentially transferring consumers' trust in a certain anchor to a certain live broadcast room or a brand, so as to weaken the potential huge risks brought by a single anchor.

"However, this trust transfer is not easy, for example, the cultivation of new anchors itself is extremely uncertain, and the self-built supply chain and self-created brand put forward higher professional requirements." She said.

Consumers: Price is still the core of bringing goods

Although the Hua Xizi incident reflects Li Jiaqi's arrogance as a head anchor and the controversial pricing of domestic beauty equipment, it also shows once again that even if the "lowest price on the whole network" has become history, consumers are still very sensitive to the price of the live broadcast room.

Zhongxin Finance noticed that as early as before the Hua Xizi incident, Li Jiaqi's long-term accumulated popularity was difficult to offset the fact that live streaming goods "became expensive". Especially after getting involved in the field of cosmetics such as clothing and electrical appliances, consumers often complain on social platforms that their prices are "unsatisfactory".

In this regard, Li Xinyi believes that the essence of the top talent anchors in the past is to gather a large number of homogeneous demand, and pull up the turnover as much as possible at a very low price, so as to maximize the input-output ratio, which dooms the "lowest price on the whole network" model can only be a short-term attempt and cannot become a high-frequency normal action.

After losing the advantage of "lowest price", IP and tonality have become the core advantages of anchors such as Li Jiaqi. But to completely get rid of the vortex of "lowest price", even for head anchors, it is still not easy. Especially at a time when consumers are paying more and more attention to price, Li Jiaqi's live broadcast room and brands have repeatedly caused disputes due to differentiated treatment, which is also fueling the price "anxiety" of gradual consumers.

Li Jiaqi's "unspeakable" may only be the last straw that broke the camel's back. (End)