Justice reform in Israel: the street does not get angry, before a crucial day

This is yet another demonstration against the reform of the judiciary in Israel. Thousands of protesters gathered Monday night in Jerusalem. The aim is to support the Supreme Court, on the eve of a crucial day. Report from anti-reform protesters.

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A protester against the Israeli government's justice reform, in Jerusalem, September 11, 2023. AP - Ohad Zwigenberg

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With our special envoy in Jerusalem, Sami Boukhelifa

The Supreme Court examines this Tuesday the annulment of a text of the controversial reform of Justice. "Unacceptable," retort the government and its majority in Parliament, which adopted this law last July to restrict the powers of the Court. The bottom line is that Israel is on the brink of a constitutional crisis.

In the street, Tamara no longer counts the demonstrations. Since the beginning of the year, the 24-year-old has been at all gatherings. This Tuesday, the Israeli Supreme Court is examining a decried text of this reform of Justice. "It's very technical, very complex," says the law student.

So to put it simply, just remember my message, she says: "Israel is a very complicated country. There are many different visions and ideologies, which coexist. Therefore, we must have an institution that lays the laws and the foundations of this country. And that has always been the role of the Supreme Court. But this government wants to undermine the power of the Supreme Court.



If that happens, people like us won't be able to live here anymore. " reacts to his side Tom. She, too, is a law student. "People like us, that is, people on the left who are campaigning for an end to the occupation, who want a country where human rights, fundamental rights are respected, and who want to live as good neighbors with the Palestinians, we want them to finally have their own country.


Like all protesters, the two girls got wind of a rumor that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was seeking a compromise. But "here, no one believes this manipulator and inveterate liar," they conclude.

" READ ALSO Justice reform in Israel: a decisive week opens

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