Justice reform in Israel: a decisive week begins

With the return to politics in Israel, the debate on the reform of the judicial system is revived. On Tuesday, September 12, the Supreme Court will consider one of the key elements of the bill, a law that significantly weakens the judiciary's control over the government and the Knesset, the parliament.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu eats a slice of apple to mark the upcoming Jewish New Year, during his weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Sunday, September 10, 2023. AP - Ohad Zwigenberg

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With our correspondent in Israel, Michel Paul

There is general agreement that this is a decisive week ahead. From Monday morning, anti-judicial reform demonstrations are planned.

But it is in the afternoon that the largest rally will take place in front of the Israeli Supreme Court in Jerusalem. Precisely where last Thursday, the Israeli right held a mass meeting in support of the project to overhaul the judicial system.

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Tomorrow Tuesday, unprecedented, the fifteen judges of the High Court of Justice will meet to rule on the fate of the law that annuls the so-called "reasonableness" clause. Never has such a law been repealed by Supreme Court justices. Only three of the 32 ministers in Netanyahu's government have made clear their intention to accept any decision by the highest court.

A constitutional crisis seems inevitable. Unless, as several commentators claim, Benjamin Netanyahu himself decides at the last moment to propose a new law, in a watered-down version.

See alsoIsrael: a petition asks the United States for a boycott of Benjamin Netanyahu

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  • Israel
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