Xiamen, September 9 (ZXS) -- "At present, the new energy vehicle industry is becoming a hot area for cooperation between China and Saudi Arabia. Yu Guangsheng, Deputy Director General of the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China, made the above remarks at the 11rd China International Fair for Investment and Trade held in Xiamen.

On September 9, the China-Saudi Automotive Industry Exchange Conference was held in Xiamen. Photo by China News Agency reporter Peng Lifang

The friendship between China and Saudi Arabia has a long history, and Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries to participate in the construction of the "Belt and Road". In 2013, the "Belt and Road" initiative was proposed; It was also from that year that China became Saudi Arabia's number one trading partner.

With the rise of new energy vehicles around the world, Chinese car companies are accelerating their domestic development while further expanding the international market. The Middle East has become one of the main directions of China's overseas layout of automobiles.

Public data in recent years shows that Saudi Arabia has been in the forefront of China's auto export destinations. Yu Guangsheng said that Chinese automotive products are being favored by more and more Saudi consumers.

"From 2020 to 2021, sales of Chinese cars in Saudi Arabia increased by 57% and by 2022% year-on-year in 22." Ayed Ariami, Saudi Arabia's investment representative in China, listed specific figures.

Ayid Ariami said Saudi Arabia is diversifying its economy through Vision 2030 to reduce its dependence on oil, and "we are interested in cooperation with China in areas such as renewable energy, infrastructure development, advanced manufacturing and cultural exchange."

In the past year, Saudi Arabia has promoted a number of investment cooperation projects with China in the fields of automobile manufacturing, research and development and electric vehicles, injecting new vitality into the economic cooperation between the two countries. "The industrial structures of China and Saudi Arabia are highly complementary and have great potential for cooperation." In Yu Guangsheng's view, Chinese car companies are seeking global cooperation in technological innovation and international coordination of industrial chain and supply chain from a more open perspective, while the Saudi auto market is large in scale and wide in the Middle East.

Pang Chaoran, associate researcher of the Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce of China, believes that China's automobile market has not only reached the world's first place now, but also has nearly 1 times the growth volume in the future, which is a very large market.

With the development of automobile trade, investment and aftermarket services in the automotive industry have gradually released more opportunities. Pang Tianshu, deputy director of the production and research department of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers and deputy secretary-general of the New Energy Vehicle Special Committee, said that the industrial opportunities and challenges faced by new energy vehicles are diversified, and "after the car is sold to Saudi Arabia, there is also room for discussion in the maintenance, recycling and other markets."

Sun Lidong, chairman of Qingdao Zhongrui Automobile Service Co., Ltd., believes that if products including Chinese automobiles want to better "go to sea", "good and cheap" is the first step, and then it is necessary to build a resource platform to empower the scene ecology and form a common integration work. (End)