Guangzhou, September 9 (ZXS) -- Supported by factors such as the emergence of favorable real estate and the reappearance of large transactions, the overall transaction volume of Guangzhou's commercial real estate market rebounded in August, of which the transaction volume of office buildings increased by nearly 11% month-on-month, and the transaction volume of apartments increased by more than 8% month-on-month.

According to the August Guangzhou Commercial Real Estate Market Report released by Hefu Brilliant Commercial Real Estate on the 11th, the transaction volume of office buildings in Guangzhou in August was 8,8 square meters, an increase of 2% from the previous month. The overall volume is at a medium level this year.

In the apartment market, the transaction volume of apartments in Guangzhou in August was 8,5 square meters, up 5% month-on-month. Except for Zengcheng District, which saw significant growth driven by large transactions, most of the remaining areas showed a relatively moderate month-on-month increase. Chen Jianheng, a market analyst at Hopeful Research Institute, said that the recovery of apartment transactions in Guangzhou in August was mainly driven by large transactions, followed by the recent frequent positive news also had a positive effect on the confidence of buyers.

According to the report, the transaction volume of the Guangzhou shop market in August was 8,2 square meters, down 7% from July. Due to the lack of block transactions, the volume of the store market has been low for two consecutive months. The transaction volume in the central area generally decreased month-on-month, while the peripheral area generally increased, of which Nansha District remained the region with the highest trading volume.

Chen Jianheng said that the Ministry of Commerce has designated this year as the "year of consumption boost", and the introduction of a number of central and local policies to promote consumption has also played a continuous role in driving the economic recovery, and he expects that as consumption stabilizes, the activity of rental and sales in the shop market is expected to accelerate in the coming time. (End)